Well guys, I’m here in Fla. for Surf Expo and it is really flat and has been freezing for 2 weeks and is going to get even colder starting tonight, brrrr. So if you think it has been cold in Ca., the water in Cocoa Beach is 52 degrees! I’m looking backward to San Diego and it’s “warm” water.
Well guys, I’m here in Fla. for Surf Expo and it is really flat and has > been freezing for 2 weeks and is going to get even colder starting > tonight, brrrr. So if you think it has been cold in Ca., the water in > Cocoa Beach is 52 degrees! I’m looking backward to San Diego and it’s > “warm” water. Hey Jim, If you think it is cold overthere, then check out the European conditions, the Netherlands map. The joke is they consider it mild, for a surfer this means 5 mill.suit ,gloves, hood, boots and having the feeling someone is hitting your head with a brick everytime you have to dive. The good thing is this only happens 5 months of the year, the temperatures are on the rise again by april, this is when the Northsea is turning flat. Summer is nice, temperature wise that is, the 6.000.000 Germans in the line up are a bit of a downer, surfing then is only is allowed in the resticted zone, If you use a leash that is. They all leave again in september, witch leaves us oktober, with a few good waves, just before the cold kicks in again. There is only one good option for the surfstoked, they call it France and it’s an 8 hour away. I’m outa here, wanna come Jim. Greetings Pete. P.s no wonder your board’s sill in good shape.