2015 build comp. read the first comment. 2015BC

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Ok, so there is one day to go, its the morning fo the 30th here.

Very disapointed that no other swaylockers recomended any other judges.

So at this point its just robin mair from hanalei.


Either way get your boards finished and your threads updated.


Hey Sk8ment, 

Sometimes it takes a while for things to catch on. Lets do another one in the spring. I like seeing everyone’s build threads, definitely helps the learning process.


Happy Holidays!

when i get some time soon i will remind out judge, but it looks like there are only three builds.



the compsand recycled one

there is the number 5 no 2 revisited but im not sure if its linked.???

Why not combine all those ideas in one board?? Makes perfect sense to me.

hey all, sorry I haven’t had the judging organised, for this, just sent off the links to the judge tonight so hopefully contacting the winner soon.

this one wins the set of gearbox plugs!!! Yew!!!


Am I out to friggin’ lunch or is this not Febuary of 2016??? If your building in 2016 ,  why is it a 2015 Build Comp???

Send this thread over to Errors and Bugs.  2016

Sorry mcding but the winner has been decided anounced and notified.

if you look back through the thread i let him know as a reply to his comment.

Appreciate your interest and hope you enter future build comps. but i dont know if i will be donating prizes to another one…

A for effort  to mr sk8’s.

We could use more build contest around here or more board related post. Let er rip tater chips

Thanks Tom