2023 Boardroom Show

2023 Boardroom Show
Spent a day at the show with our distributor, Justin from Graphite Master. Got to talk shop with Bill Bahne before I even enter the building. Legend to say the least.

Walked around talking more shop with US Blanks, Gary Linden, Sustainable Surf, Unifoil, Millennium Foam, Bing, Jim Phillips, lots more. Even met YouTube star Ben Gravy. Got to talk some with Dark Arts. Gotta say I was very impressed with their stuff. Good show, fun day.

Thanks Scott Bass!


Thanks for posting. I didn’t know about this event; I’ll keep an eye out and will try to make it down next year. Looks like a really fun time.

Here’s a link: https://boardroomshow.com/

I took my daughter (14) who is just starting to get the surf bug and we had a blast. Just big enough for her to take in the culture without being overwhelmed. Watching the shaping competitions was a treat. Lots of cool exhibitors, beautiful boards, and friendly folks. If I had one gripe it was that the parking fee was as much as the ticket price, but that’s pretty much standard nowadays.

Good times!