3-Stringer Blank Shaping Questions?

1st time with this kind of blank. Any do’s and dont’s? Many sharp planer blades, I guess.

  1. cutting of template - use regular hand saw?

  2. rails - careful using the handplaner so as not to gouge the surrounding foam?

  3. sanding - paper or screen, pull right up to the stringer without going over it?

  4. am I in over my head? blank is $130 and don’t want to ruin it.

  5. have done 12 boards so far, all with success, but no multi-stringers.


3 wood stringers seems a lot easier than one wood and two or all 5 glueups, which I did around #20.

First time you saw/plane/sand into the stringers, and chunk them, you’ll know to use more hand tools more slowly.

Sharp tools, take your time, shallower first planer cut, and before you carve nose or tail, try some in the center where there’s some unneeded foam.

I think paper glueups the hardest to clean.

I was in your same position experience wise when my buddy wanted me to shape him a 4 stringer Tbanded monster. The blank was $198.

take your time and go nice and slow and you won’t have a problem.

Biggest convern for me was the rails where the stringer met the outline. I used a sharp hand plane to bring them inline with the rest of the rail… and then a curved exacto wood carving balde for final shaping in this area. Worked real well and the board came out super nice.
