34% of respondents had ridden a Tuflite board, but only 6%...

Our April survey showed that 34% of online survey respondents had ridden a Tuflite board, but only 6% had ridden a Salomon S-Core. The survey was part of a group project for an engineering entrepreneurship class at the University of Pennsylvania. A description of the class can be found online at http://www.seas.upenn.edu/ent/. Your responses and comments were very helpful and greatly appreciated.

Our professor was pleased with our data collection, but he told us that we needed to make changes to some questions to get a complete picture of the market. So we’re asking for your help again. The following link will take you to a short follow-up survey that will help us resolve the issues (it will take you no more than 5 minutes).

New survey: http://www.questionpro.com/akira/TakeSurvey?id=278265

Thanks for your time,



Maybe only 6% have ridden an s-core because they are 800 bucks a pop. Atleast thats what they go for around here. I’ve ridden tufflights too , surfed like a bedroom door , no flex at all.

I’m astonished that you found 6% who had ridden an S-core.

I live in a part of the world crowded with surfers. I go through half a dozen surf shops poking through what’s new at least every month. I surf 3-4 times a week in crowded lineups.

I have never even seen a Salomon board.

I would have guessed more like 0.6%.

yea i have never even seen one advertised. i thought they were still in R and D

ive seen em. i know a solman employe from europe who visits Oahu every year… can’t comment about how they ride but i can say they are absolute garbage from a construction/durability stanpoint, about on par with an superlight poope, and maybe worse. the guy broke more of them in his 4-5 month stay then i break of regular boards in years, pretty funny because he was pretty proud of it, and talked about it like breaking boards was just part of surfing… the ones that wern’t borken were all dinged up… i was actually shocked at how cheap they were, but not so shocked when he told me solman dosn’t even really care about the boads and actually looses money on them, but is making heaps off surf clothing sales because of them… sounds pretty standard for the surf industry.

intresting to see a study like this done from outside the surf industy… good luck with the results.