3M 5200 sealant question!! Repair and EPS

I do reapair work and have not worked on Epoxy boards yet!

I have read some posts on the 5200 for doing plug and fin box repairs and was wondering if it is sandable and can you glass over this stuff?

There have been brief posts on using other fillers and seems there is mixed reaction to EPS melting ie heaating up.

What are the opinions on repairs and is it the general opinion of others that using fillers when mixing your epoxy resins that when using fillers it will reduce the heat and not cause melting!


Yes,5200 is completely sandable,and yes you can glass over it.

I would refrain from using it in large patches if you plan on glassing over it…remember wet towels to stop the cook-offs.

Herb just getting back to you on this thanks!

A couple of things I can’t find in my archive search on fin plug, leash plug fin box install at least with epoxy eps installs is if people do a glass patch over the plug or box after they set them? or will the 5200 seal off around the plug sufficiently.

ON new poly boards or repairs I always glass over the plug or box, On a eps new board at least with FCS which I most commonly use do people just mix a small batch of epoxy and glass over their plugs?

Also it sounds like the wet towel is advised in all installs!


instead of 5200, you can also go to a pool supply store and get the epoxy putty stick. Cheap, sandable, use it wet on wet stuff, and paintable. Good to travel with. Dries light grey. Or white-ish.

I was actually thinking about using it for fin installs. Real hard stuff. Hmmm…

The epoxy putty stuff is the greatest, I used it to fix the rails on my skimboard, it dries hard, sands well and is completely sandable.

Yes w/ epoxy No w/ polyester resin.

If you use the 5200, make sure you get the fastcure. If you use the regular stuff you’ll be waiting 7 days for it to cure…been there.

About 4 years ago I started in w/ 5200…once in the winter I used 5200 regular, it took …with heaters mind you… 2 weeks to cure.

The quick set in good to go in 24-48 hours,that’s cure time.

It’s costs more… it can be messy…but there are some extreme advantages to it…what I like about it the most is,it allows the box to flex abit…and w/ Red-X that’s a real treat on small wave boards.

can u use it for fcs plugs

and do you need to bond the H pattern to the deck still?

also do you have to reinforce arouond the plugs with hd foam if you use 2 pound eps?

also is spackle a type of plaster for walls?

never heard of spackle over hear in NZ

sometimes people “have a spack attack”

but other than that ive never heard of spackle

This may have been discussed before but when installing the plug or box should you fill hole first maybe half way? Or can you spread the 5200 onto or coat box or plug first?

Chris is absolutely correct.