4-finned Fish Fins (lokbox)?

I have done some searching in the archives and it just making more confused. I am getting a quad fish soon (yeah took me a while to jump on the bandwagon) I was wondering if anyone had any input on the lokbox fins. I surf primarily North OC beachbreaks and am 6’1"x150lbs. The board is a 5’10x20.5x2 3/8". The only fins I have ridden were SD cutaways which U thought were a little loose (the board was a 5’5")

I am most interested in:

Mandala AK4’s



Speed Dialers (standard)

thanks for the input


The AK-4’s will be a bit more drivey than the Speed Dialers. A lot of guys are stoked on the Taylor Knox fronts and the LBXM rears. I like super stiff X-2 with the LBXM trailers.