4 way fin system

have anyone seen or try this fin system? thanks http://www.4wfs.com

have anyone seen or try this fin system? thanks not for me but a cool system… To many things to screw with. weight???. I could see this system for a shaper to play with design but not for production. I would love to try it but i don’t think i would use it… Fin placement is designed into the shape or shape is designed into fin placement. Do you remember the Tinker tail of the 70’s same thing… Tinker toy… Keep it simple… http://surfnwsc.com

have anyone seen or try this fin system? thanks Patrick - Thanks for posting this site. The main reason I have continued to prefer glass-ons is because I find they are much easier and quicker to adjust than fin boxes. The main adjustment usually being the number of degrees of cant(or “splay” as the site calls it)a rider prefers(sometimes different on each side). This system seems to have addressed the problem. However, I think I too would probably not use it. My main reason would be that once you have establish the designed position and adjusted for individual preference movement becomes redundant and, as Rob has pointed out, weight becomes the issue… at least for the young riders. Take care. Patrick Shannon