4oz or 6oz cloth

I’m making two longboards, one traditional cruzer model and another more progressive shape but not necessarily a high performance comp board. Question: I’ve only made one longboard before (lots of shortboards) and I glassed it with 2 x 6oz deck and 1 x 6oz bottom. Seemed kind of heavy and sluggish. I was thinking maybe 6oz + 4oz deck and 6oz bottom for the cruzer & 6oz + 4oz deck and 4oz bottom for the progressive shape. Any suggestions? I’m wondering if too much 4oz on the second board will make it structurally weak but I don’t want a big heavy board. Help?

I find that it is better to change the foam. Go green on the cruzer, and blue on the other board. You may want to look a putting one later of 8 oz. on the cruzer top and bottom, and see how that works for you. I like my cruzers to have some weight to them, so I go mostly 2X6 on the deck and 1X6 on the bottom.

traditional longboards used 10 or 8 oz. cloth x2 both sides, they are heavy and sluggish makes for effortless glide. personally, for a LB I use 2/6 and 6 like on your first one. just one 4oz on the bottom I think would shorten the life span of a LB. as for the top use patches where it’ll be ridden. more 4oz will make it stronger not weaker, 3x4oz or 2x6oz, both 12oz but the 3x4 is stronger. also I believe the 4oz is easier to wet out so you’ll use less resin= less wieght. how bout 6+4+4knee patch and 2x4 on the bottom? just my opinion.

I have one 8oz top and bottom on you stepdeck. This lets the nose flex like it is desigened to, but gives it some what more strength then one 6 oz. It is also lighter then 2 6oz deck and one 6os bottom, and I’m talking at like over one lb. lighter.

Sorry for another thread revival, I have a weird pure curiosity question here. At risk of soundin dumb, gonna ask it anyway!

My understanding is that 6oz glass contains bigger holes (i.e. less glass), hence the heavier weight of resin used to laminate it, compared with say 4oz. With that in mind (if correct), my head says there is more GLASS and less RESIN when using 4 oz, so why is 6oz glass considered a stronger glass job?! (Bearing in mind what many people have told me here which is that resin isn’t strength, glass is the strength). Am I just losing my marbles or is this a valid curiosity question?!

comparing an actual piece of 4 0z. to an actual piece of 6 oz. reveals the threads in the 6 oz. are thicker meaning more glass, more strength, more resin. It’s all about the weave.

Thanks, that makes sense right through until you said “more resin”. I am sure that makes sense to others, but to me that seems strange, if there is more glass, surely there is less resin?! Don’t mind me, I was born confused