4way fins

Has there been any more experimentation with 4way fins? I’ve tried to get the rep on the phone for months, with no luck. I’d be interested to hear what people have discovered about the system.

Aloha ! Yeah !! I would like to say something about Dean Garrety and his 4-way imposter from Africa!! 2+ years ago he spotted my fin system thru our web site. He was like this is the best thing I’ve seen sence sliced bread, I sent him some fins and install kit, pay later ! communacation stopped and next thing I know a respected editor at Surfer Mag was writting me telling me I need to ck out this fin system from Africa that looks just like mine… I really don’t care what Dean does but those are the facts !!

Ck out www.edgefins.kauaistyle.com , Our system is building steam, People like it and we now offer glass fins and any template provided !! …

Aloha , Have a great surf ! Clyde Rodgers

Aha! Well, you know what they say, “Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.”

Thanks for the input, and I’ll check your site.