5' 11" x 19 1/4" x 2.5" twin fin install question

my bud gave me an old crappy fun shape to strip off. the blank yielded 5’11" 14.5" nose 19 1/4" wide 2.5" thick.

3.5" nose rocker

2.25" tail rocker

I attached pic of the partially shaped blank.

I want to ride it as a non-keel twinnie and put in Futures fins (since i’ve got the jig) and wonder about the placement of the mcnabb or MR templates. How far off the tail? how much toe in? How much kant? Do these fins have the right kant built into the fin so just install the box flat. Would really appreaciate any advice!

how wide is your tail?

what’s the bottom contour? esp in the tail/fin area…

Looking like 8-3/4 to 9-1/2 up using their TF template. About 1-3/8 in from the rail and

pointed 2 off the nose (loose but slower) to 4 off the nose.

Cant would be around 6.5 deg relative to a FLAT bottom (vee would add to your net cant).

Vee also acts as a bit of a driver on twinnies, and are pretty darn difficult (IMHO) to get perfect.

tail is 8" tip to tip, moderate vee beginning about 18" from the rear.

A twin fin with vee just in the tail will be very quick-turning when rocked back.

You can probably have the fins further aft, like 8-1/2 or so, to keep some drive

in the board.

You can make cardboard cutouts of fins and hold them in place to see if they

“look right”.

That is the way it’s done- best shaper’s in the world, I’ve watched them, set

a fin on the board, “Hmmmm” move it a bit, squint with one eye, reach for

a pencil and mark it.

Trust your instincts, it will go great.

id eye ball it also that’s what i did for my 5’11 and with a twinn fin set up with the fcs mr’s the fin placement landed me a 8" from the tips for the rear and 1 1/4 off the rail with 1/8 toe in and 5 degree cant. Board has a single with a slight double and the board is super drivey!

Great advice and i really appreciate it. Sounds like 8-8.5" from the tail…I’ll eyeball it. I think I’m going to go 4 inches off the nose. Chipfish: the board is 15" one foot from the tail (line connecting the tips). This is going to be a board for throwing around in summer small a-framey waves.

one other question: the board has some vee in the area where the fins will go…As Plusoneshaper said - i need to offset the vee or the fins will have too much outward kant. How to lay out the Futures jig to get the desired 6 degree kant from the imaginary flat bottom? I was thinking just rout out the blank normally and then set in the boxes at a slight angle to the bottom when I resin it in to overcome the vee. Or tip the jig slightly?


I believe that futures are naturally set at like 5 degrees but you can shim the guide plate.

Hey Mitchell,

quote: “I was thinking just rout out the blank normally and then set in the boxes at a slight angle to the bottom when I resin it in to overcome the vee.”

That’s it, we just stick some fins into the boxes and pot the boxes into the blanks when we want to get the angles just right. If you’re careful you shouldn’t accidently glue the fins into their boxes- the removal of which makes for some pretty comedic relief in the shop (as long as it’s not me).