50 years later, a ghost appears!

I got a phone call this morning, from a man that bought an old balsa board as a surprise birthday gift for his son.   (An avid collector) Turns out the board was a personal board of mine from 1961.    The board was made with a template from Phil Edwards (modified)  9'9'' x 21.5'', square tail.  I sold the board in 1961, used,  for $110 dollars.     The story is that the board was found, deep in Baja, nine years ago being used as a sign at a restaurant, offering Turtle Soup!    I often wondered what ever happened to that board.   How it came to be a Turtle Soup sign, has to be a classic tale.   It's quite amazing how long some surfboards manage to survive.

Awesome Bill, what a treat.!

Aloha Bill! Do you remember the glassing schedule? Is it still surfable?

[quote="$1"] Aloha Bill! Do you remember the glassing schedule? Is it still surfable? [/quote]

Probably single 10 oz volan, both sides.    Gloss and polish.    It HAS been a while!    I've been told that the board is in ''great'' condition, per the caller.

ghost of mars.................not as old,but

i received a board i built in early 78'.

it was is a storage yard.

before that it was used as a decor-board in a burger stand in like porterville.

pre-mr twin.................you should see me laughing now.

hope things are going for you bill.

your image comes to mind offen.


Well, today I went by BIRD'S SURF SHED, and connected with the surfboard that is the subject of this post.    I had not seen it since 1961! We took some photo's of the board, which Bird has posted on his website.    It was my last balsa ''daily driver'' before fully embracing foam.   I'm still trying to imagine how the board ended up deep in Baja as a sign for Turtle Soup.  

I am happy to say that I am the son who is the recipient of that board and it is awesome! I was totally and completely shocked when my Dad gave it to me. I am currently looking for a place to put it as I have limited wall space and already have a mint '67 Carl Ekstrom on the wall. Thank you Bill! P.S. my Dad gave me your number so I will probably being calling soon





Would love to see pics of the board, and especially with the signage on it...couldn't find 'em on Bird's website 'tho.  Got a link to the photos?

I tried and tried to load a pic but it wouldn’t let me. Here’s the best I can do



It worked! That one ding is a peso glassed into it. Right side toward the nose

You know Bill;  They say it's the short term memory that goes first.  Can't remember what I ate for breakfast or even if I wiped this AM, but I remember the board I rode way back when at the "Cliff House" or "Stanley's".  Lowel

I bet that board still glides like it was meant to do. Have you surfed it? Shoulder high glassy pointbreaks come to mind when I see that photo…

bitchin' board! unreal it's still in good shape-considering the journey it's been on...

I have not surfed it nor do I think I want to. The thing weighs a ton. I have a '65 hansen that feels 15 lbs lighter which I have surfed

The original weight was in the 33 to 35 pound range.      I don’t remember exactly.    That was the weight range I liked at that time.      On another topic, what is the number on your '65 Hansen?      I was shaping for Hansen in 1965.

I’ll have to check. I know it is a Mike Doyle model


From the SHF stoked n board webpages:
“Mike Doyle model”  “The few that were shaped by Doyle weren’t exactly symmetrical”



fin pic of the balsa board? 

I get some when I get home, and post later

It’s not the original fin.