5'4 Quad fin placement (JS pier pony) help!!!

HI Swaylock’ers -

Any help would be very gratefully recieved - have scouted Swaylocks for answers but still a little stumped…

Basically, I’ve shaped a board based on JS Pier Pony - same template as the 5’4 board (short, wide and thick), but I’m stuck on locating the quad fins (home made glass-ons).  I’m a little lost in the amount of different variations that you can use, and I’ve found myself on McKee Website, which has equally confused me!  I want my quad (wide gentle diamond tail) to be fairly loose but not overly!  If anybody could indicate a possible placement  for the quad fins that would be great.  Also, any help on the cant for front/rear fins - that would also be perfect!

Many thanks, for any anticipated help…


Look upon the board Grasshopper.  Let your eyes be the guide.  Be the water.