5'6" x 20" x 2'3/4" CI BISCUIT

Ok so this is the board I want to shape. IS there any “formula” for finding dimensions from 12" up from tail and nose, etc. If not would I just determine these dimensions myself? This may be a stupid question but this is my first time shaping and I do not want to mess up the first part. Thanks.

Hey Snap…if you cannot find one and measure it (12" from rail to rail) you could always ghost one in aps3000 (program for the CNC machines). You can download the program for free online and then after working your magic print the outline and profile as a pdf. I usually do my outline this way then print at a printing shop . Here is mine for the 5’4"…It took a bit of time but I think it looks about right…enjoy bro

Thanks alot. I have Aku shaper and 3dshape Lite and have made ones on that but i don’t know fully how to operate them. Just a question, should I be going shorter than a 5’6" biscuit? I weigh 120 but I want to build this to last for a long time. Thanks alot!

I ran into the same delema, this is what I did …

I mached up the out line of the CI fish’s till I found the match and whent from there

I cam up with (for the 5.8 I was looking to make)

5.8 x 16 x 20.25 x 16.5

Its basicly a fish with a round tail

It really depends…5’6" is fine…my first board was also a biscuit but I shaped a 5’8". It was great for a while, but I then wondered how small I could go. I eventually made a 5’2"…which definitely didn’t work out that great–jumped a bit too far.

The last one I made works great in smaller junk surf and I am about 5’10" and 165lbs. Your abilitiy will play a part as well as other factors…etc. Try the 5’6" sounds like a great size…if you want to go smaller do so after you ride it for a while…all in all these type of boards are wicked fun!

Here is my brd file…you can either use it with your aku and make it into a 5’6" or keep trying to come up with your own type of outline…enjoy!

What sort of bottom contour and rail profile are you using on this? Same as a fish or more modern? Also, did the 5’8" have more rocker than the 5’4" or the same?

Thanks so much. For some reason my shapes kept coming out very oblong on the upper half. Live4truth, I hope you don’t mind if I slightly modified your template to a 5’6" and with a center width of 20". I think this should make a great board! If u have biscuit templates share them on this post. Im sure a lot of people other than me would love to see what you guys have came up with. Thanks alot!

Hey Jonah…for this board I used a shallow single into a rolled vee with a 60/40 rail all the way to the tail. As for the 5’8", its about a 1/4" taller in the nose and an 1/8" in the tail (rails were very down on this one…used JC’s rail dims).

As for the brd. file Snap, I have been helped so often on this forum from the shadows that I am glad that I have the opportunity to give back. As you work through it pm me with some pics–or just post them here. Look forward to seeing your stuff!

Ok thanks alot. As for the pictures, I plan on making a thread and updating with pictures as the process goes on, probably asking quite a few questions along the way. This forum is the most helpful place on the web, there are so many good people on here.

man, i was checking out a CI biscuit in the shop…its got some pretty gnarly concave action going on

i am looking to shape a 5-8 or 5-10 biscuit and i am about the same size as you. would you be willing to repost your brd file?

thanks, jordan


how can you print the foil template?


there’s a 5’10" fishcuit here for whover is interested.


thanks for the reply, this is definitely helpful. are there any resources that include rocker, rails, concaves, etc.

if i were to scale up the measurements for the attached pdf (courtesy of live4truth) to 5’8" or 5’10", how would the other dimensions change?

thanks, jordan

CI Fishcuit Concaves.

I want to shape myself a 5’8 Fishcuit.

Thing is I’ve been doing some research and there’s not much info on the fishcuit concaves. I want to get some more info on concaves for this board. Does anyone know what concaves are placed on the original model?

Thanks Chrisp for the link to the templates.


hey Snap, how old are you? If you are a kid a still growing than yea, it would be a good idea to stick with the 5’6". If you are just a small guy or a girl, then I would go a hair shorter like 5’4"x20"x 2 1/2" additionally what is your ability level? those two questions will help answer what size you should make this board.

I´m 5’11 and around 180 pounds. I normally ride a 6’2 thruster and AM recommends to ride the fishcuit 6-8 inches shorter so I´m going shape myself a 5’8.

I want to know more about concaves, and rails for this board.





single to double to spiral vee (double concave/vee)


as far as the rails…imagine setting a ball of dough a flat surface.

Does anyone know if fishcuit has the wide point exact center or moved back or forward and if so how much from the center?




i’d say very close to center +/- an inch or so if i had to bet money.