5'7 fischy kitesurf

For my comeback to sway a little build thread.
Will be a one month process, working on it when i have time.
The board is 5’7x20"x2"1/2 fishy swallow, it’ll be use mostly as strapless kitesurf, possibly strapped too and a bit as surfboard. Light weight guy.
That start with blank hotwired cut in 1.5eps

Then i cut a groove in bottom, lam a ud carbon and cap it with eps.

Cut outline

Ready for shape…

Why the lines dividing the blank into 6 segments?
Or 3rds if the centerline is a stringer?

Centerline then, one line at wide point, one line 1 foot of tail and one 1 foot of nose. It’s where i mark for shaping bevels.

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Shape finished


I set fcs2 plugs quad + center, fill grooves with same mix of resin+microfibers then lam a strip of ud carbon (9oz)

Bottom lam: 3 layers 4oz warp glass, yellow tinted RR2000 epoxy, cheater coat

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Looks great! You did well not to get any resin on the tablecloth!!! :joy:

:grinning: It’s the veranda table. When it’s sunny i put board cooking in hot veranda.

Prep the deck, i add wood strip to connect fins plugs to deck skin

Then i vaccum bag cork skin. Under full 4oz glass, kite reinforcement: 6oz biax carbon foot pad and center strip 8oz UD glass.

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Hi Lemat,
your doing a double layer of carbon on the bottom, a tiny sandwich, right? Is it intended that these layers get connected with resin?
Could you explain this detail a bit further?

Yes it’s like a rectangular tube 25x8mm with top and bottom ud carbon, side wall resin reinforced with short fibers, filled with eps.
It"s a rib that increase skin stiffness to fight buckling, easier for me to work with than crossing blanks stringers.
I start to work on rib on surfboards about 20 years ago…

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What do you think about the light drive / Vulcan construction in these terms?

I think it’s a good idea for stiffening skin.

Today work, set foot strap plugs and seal cork with epoxy micro slurry