5’ x 23" he says it flies…
does he plan on noseriding this things? Cuz I think you could have taken a bit of foam out from up there.
The outline was basically his idea. I did give it a “step-deck” in the nose to reduce volume.
hmmm sounds quite interesting, wish I could give it a go.
That looks fun, I want to make one like that for myself, except I was thinking more on the lines of 6’6" twin fin. What is the bottom contour? It looks like a little belly in the nose, with a single concave through the middle, then flat out the back. Also, the rocker looks like it has a couple apexes or is it the lighting?
Has a concentrated “roll flip” in the nose to a “flatish” bottom to split panel v off tail.
just gonna throw this out there, the 5’ is about 3/4 of the size of a 6’6" which is the equivlent of the difference between a 6 footer and a 7’9". basically you are never going to get the same feel out of it.
That looks like a fun board,I like it!
Thank you Jesus.
Thank you ACE…
…it’s amazing what you build…If that guy can surf a Boggie Board…More power to him…
Please put that board into the resources section… …
Thanks for the photos…
I told him we shoulda painted it blue and yellow so he could surf it in the swim zones.
looks great. thanks for posting. i was a little worried that my 5’4" x 22" was two wide but after seeing that board. iam not so worried