6 Fin 7'8" Big Guy Shortboard :-)

Bob purchased a 7’ 6" 4 fin Rocket - Fun board shape .

Really liked it , he contacted me about 2 new customs and I talked to him about what we could make .

He wanted something more shortboard like in shape with the same type of tail rocker as the Rocket as it worked well for him .

I made him 2 Big Guy boards with adjusted tail rocker , one 7 " x 22" x 3"  3-4 fin Combo 

I also made him a 7’8" x 22" x 3" board 3 - 4 fin board with Twinzer front option .

I called it a C 6  ;-)


His first email of many  :-)

Hi Greg,

Gotta drop you a line on the 7’8 with the c-6 fin combo.  Holy Molly!   When you said the board was going to be fast that was an understatement.  Fastest board I’ve ever been on.  Insane!

But sometimes it is just too fast.  The board actually lifts, I’m used to it in double concaves doing that at times but this was even more, I almost felt like the board was out of the water at times hydroplaning, then I realized that I needed to roundhouse quick or I just wasted the wave.  I did feel i was on the cusp of being out of control but never was, never caught a rail.  Ultra high performance.  Then when I put it on rail to roundhouse, wow, the board turned amazing and on a dime.  Being 7’8 and with three fins on each rail I thought it was going to be a harder to transition and more drawn out.  Just the opposite.  The board feels like its a foot plus shorter.  This 7’8 feels like the 6’6’s to 6’8’s I used to ride in the 90’s  Love it.  You made a big high performance shortboard out of a 7’8. Thank you!

I do feel if I’m going to ride it as the c-6, I need to have larger quad trailers or even a seventh fin to help slow it down or reduce the speed.  When your going that fast I think it might be better to has a less responsive board.  That’s just me though and it was on my mind.  It was tough in the chop.  Will need glass.  But the turns when going that fast were pure bliss, it held perfectly and smooth as butter in the chop that we had.

I love the thicker volume in the tail.  Everyone seems to reduce that tail volume so much and I never understood that.  I bogged on those boards, you have it dialed.  I paddle more leaned back anyway and surf more off the rear where I need the float and don’t want to bogg and drag.

Amazing 7’8.


Nice info Greg.

Good read on ride report,

Best & Aloha

Greg - that’s a beauty!

This has my “normal” custom 4 fin set up .

I added the option of front Twinzer fins Ala Rusty’s C-5 setup he worked and promoted for a time .

The effect is to put more energy in the rail line without making it stiffer due to that added fin area being more forward .

End result - lots of Fun .

I’m a fan for sure. 

Any one interested in the owners comments about riding up on top of the water enabling it to ride like a much shorter board ?

I have long thought that flat or concave bottoms with down rails and not much tuck rode higher, were faster, but needed more fins for control.

It was around 1970 when I first felt controlled lift in a board . It was my shape and fin .

I had a few others from other shapers back then as well .

Once you feel this you pursue what makes this happen .

This is what a "Magic " board is .

Fin and board working together at their highest state .

Slightly out and on top ready to change angles at anytime yet still in complete control at all speeds .

Controlled lift sounds like interesting concept. Ride reports all seem to agree your boards are fast. Synergy of fins and board - good on yer!

I like the thicker volume in the tail.  Burying the tail to turn is like throwing on the brakes. Having a fin forward design that allows you to turn off the rail while keeping the tail on plane makes for a fast board. 

“Burying the tail to turn is like throwing on the brakes”

Many talk about sinking the rail , which is not what I want to do . I would rather be planing in control thru the turn. The state of controlled lift comes from the board and fins surface area working together , lifting , planing and releasing at all times .

The design theory reminds me a lot of the Bonzer theory.  Organizing and managing water flow at the back of the board to harness energy, rather then release it. 


It was first experienced on single fins .

And applied to multi fin designs later .

With how close those front cannard fins are to the other fins, did you have to modify one of the boxes to get a snug fit? Or are they just as close as they can get naturally? I can’t tell from the photo - I’m kinda interested in trying this setup for a wakesurfer I’m building - I was gonna just do with with single x2 plugs and nubster fins but having a full box would give him more variety for his fin setups too… 

They just touch each other .

Lots of room to move the front plugs back on this one if desired :

Plugs .


Thanks Greg and guys!

Best food I have digested in a long time!

Mahalo Nui

Too bad you have to build a reputation around how many fins you’ve got on a board instead of good design theory and shaping ability.  Lowel

I fully believe that channeling water out the back of a board develops thrust. My only concern would be stiffening up the board too much. Kudos to those that are pushing the envelope and evolving design, and bad on those whose minds are closed to the point that they cannot accept it  



Being 7’8 and with three fins on each rail I thought it was going to be a harder to transition and more drawn out. Just the opposite.        :-) :slight_smile: