60's Longboard Pig

dear mikey,

thanks a lot for your precious drawing, really usefull.

I see you have a 4.5 tail block but your board is 9.3. Do you think a 5’’ can be good for a 9.6?

I like “D” skegs but to make it more manouvrable, besides these ones, I am wondering about something similar to one of these shapes:

rainbow el gato (greg noll replica, used on similar boards in late sixties)

true ames heritage (10.5’')

true ames velzy noserider (10’')

a retro pivot (10.5’')

Since it will be glassed on what do you think will be the best (other shapes are welcome)?

I will shape the fin myself so I can fine tune it but I am really confused…


Mikey, How does she noseride ?

Hi Praseodimio,

Any of those fins would work well. I just like the D fin on the pig shape because they’re already easy to turn having the widest part pulled back. Plus adding roll with pinched rails keeps it loose. The wide D fin helps the tail from sliding out on hollow waves. It really depends on how you like to surf. The D fin is perfect for trimming, head dips and occasional drop knee cutbacks. If you like to surf all over the place than a another fin might suit you best. I’ve always liked the Heritage and Velzy Noserider fins. Before I made this board I did a lot of research like you and besides looking on swaylocks I read and read and re-read Tom Wagener’s article on board design. This is why I have the D fin and before than my thoughts were to go with fin like the Velzy Noserider. I’m really glad that I went with the D fin and I’m kind of hooked on them now.

Hi Burnsie,

I never made this board with the intension of noseriding. For me it’s purely about proper trim. But she does noseride and noserides better in steeper face waves. If I felt like noseriding this is not the board of choice.

Hi Mikey,

thank for the tips. Just a last question:

What size of D fin will you glass on a 9.6 pig like these?

I got a full reading of wegener’s articles. They helped a lot.



The D fin on my board has a 12" base x 10" height x 1/2" thick marine ply.

Just dragging this one up from the vaults…


I’m trying to ascertain whether the wide point, the apex of the rocker and the apex of the thickness all converge at the same point on a ‘traditional’ pig?


Common sense suggests it does, but anyone have any intel please?


Thanks in advance

Per your question above, about a traditional pig, the answer is yes.       1957 through 1961 or 1962.    ( in late 1960 I combined a gun foil with a pig outline which was a breakthrough in performance.)     I did not share it very widely.     The inspiration came from discussing design with Del Cannon.     That design morphed into my ‘‘WindanSea Special’’ a valid design, to this day.

Thanks Bill, most helpful


I’m intersted in this alternative you mention - So, a 'forward 'foil and thickness, retaining a WP-back planshape and rocker apex?

  Yes, but with WP @ 42% to 45%  of board length, up from the tail.