610A blank for 6'8" egg

Just a quick question about blank choice. This is a picture of the rocker from my first shape.I used a 610A blank and positioned the 6’8" template as far back on the blank as I could.

The dimentions are 6’8"x 17"x 21.5"x15.5" x 3". I made the rails pinched 60/40 with a soft bottom edge and a hulled nose.

You would think this board would paddle well but it doesn’t? Feels like I’m pushing water.It looks to me like the rocker in the nose is too high. Should I move up to a 73A for a 6’8" or custom order the blank?


Car wax the bottom.  See what happens.  That will give an idea if the finish is too course, or the shape is off.

Sometimes for me, the same board wll paddle different on different days.  How tired I am, if I had a Snickers bar before, what tune I had playing on the radio on the way to the beach.  I’m just saying, because the board and thickness etc. looks like it should glide.

HaHaHa.You could be right about the snickers bar. I thought 3" would glide too but maybe it’s the hulled nose or the rails? Am I good on entry rocker though? I plan to make another one with the same template. Thinner and more foiled this time. Just need advice on the entry rocker.


Here’s the outline.

Maybe you're too far back on the board, and the forward volume is floating you up out of the water??. No real idea mate, though im just about finished an egg with very flat rocker, and im hoping it paddles very well. Let me know if you work it out.

So what blank are you using and for what size board?

[img_assist|nid=1064883|title=Foils|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=640|height=91]The higher your rocker the less planing area you have, this board uses all 7’6’‘’ of the board as a planing surface and it paddles extremely well, i rekon you should go for a bigger blank and make the nose alot flatter. less fins, less drag maybe you could try a single fin ? flat rockers feel so much better in my opinion. Zac 

"flat rockers feel so much better in my opinion. Zac"

I completely agree with you Zac.

I shape all my boards with flattish rocker even on my  last 10' LB.

I little V in the tail goes along way on flatish tail rocker.

slight roll through the nose & center of the board.

Will paddle like a dream too...

so it paddles poorly…how does it go when you are surfing on it?

Pretty good. Haven’t pearled on it yet so I guess I shouldn’t complain huh? Surfs much better since I moved the fins closer together.

Paddleability is way below surfability on my list


 From my experience (limited) I would say that 80%+ of your problem is from the hulled nose where pushing water when paddling is concerned, I have learnt loads after I got lumbered with a duff board and went on a personal mission to find out why.   Did you say that the board only has 3’’ of nose rocker? because thats not a lot and it shouldnt make it difficut to paddle, so the problem likely lays with the hulled contour,   what are the rails like near the nose? if they are eggy  and very soft where they come from the bottom of your board this can also add to problems with paddling.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion - thats mine.

…sometimes flat rockers are not the way to go; think on the modern guns compared with the 50s P Curren s.

boards need an involved surfer, if you only stand up and let the wave
do the rest, well those curves are only pushing water.

Saying that, checking the photo, the rocker distro do not looks right to me. If you have too much curves, not this case, better with 1 fin. Possible your fin set up have too much cant and toe in?