6'2" Ron House Shapes Rip Curl Thruster Request for Info

Picked up this Rip Curl by Ron House Shapes the other day here in the midwest and was looking to maybe sell it. While it was shaped by Ron House and measurements are clear, it’s been difffcult to determine when it was shaped and determining proper value as I have been stumped by my standard search processes. I was hoping to gather some additional information and insight from you all so I could make an appropriate decision on whether to unload it or not. Any information appreciated. Thanks.



I’m sure someone from the “Gehtto” in San Clemente will chime in here soon and give you a better history and more details than I have limited knowledge of.  Maybe Atomized?  There’s the whole Surf-Glass thing and work with Stewart.   Primarily Ron House is an A+ shaper fron San Clemente who has and can shape anything.  Long, Short and SUP.  He designed Laird’s SUP’s.  The board you have based on width and shape is most likely a 90’s or early 2000’s board.  There is a Rip Curl Outlet in South SC just up the King’s Highway from Trestles.  Through the years Rip Curl made use of a variety of local shapers to fill the racks at the Rip Curl shop.  Ron House being one.  Hamish being another.   Not sure what Ron has been up to the last coiple of years.  He was ghosting a bit and filling his own custom orders last I heard.  And last I heard that was 3 or 4 years ago.  I think he was involved or invited to the Board Room Show in Del Mar a couple of years ago.  He is very well know in some circles and by his peers.  Not so well known amongst the Wave Storm/Costco set.      PS.  The 18 1/4" width and the FCS Plugs are an indication of 90’s thru 2000 time frame.   Lowel