6'3" EPS fish thingy obecalp 0000001

Thanks to CMP for the blank

My latest EPS board

6’3" x 18 5/8 x 2 1/8

fins at 3 1/2 rear and 11 front 1 1/8 off the rail and towed 1 1/2 off the nose.

This board is really thin for me since I weigh almost 200lbs but surprisingly it floats me faily well and catches wave really well with the lower overall rocker. I was a little skeptical at first but what Greg and Bert said about going thinner and wider was right. the thing has drive down the line turns on a dime and is uber sensitive. Just think about turning and and it turns.

Nice board. small board for 200

those are nice EPS blanks yeah…

I bet C sells out soon…

kind of funny after all these years of him trying to get people to use them…

I need to get an obecalp logo(Hicksy?) to put on my boards from now on…

Maybe the sways logo with a matrix colored pill in each hand instead…

We need to get the obecalp out of the closet and on the lawn…

nice board

fun to glass??

I love wide boards

my next shape is wide and kinda parallel then kicks in at the leading fins

first 2 felt a bit skatey but ive sorted that out

its amazing how quick a wider board is off the mark

well done anyway mate


Nice board. small board for 200

those are nice EPS blanks yeah…

I bet C sells out soon…

kind of funny after all these years of him trying to get people to use them…

I need to get an obecalp logo(Hicksy?) to put on my boards from now on…

Maybe the sways logo with a matrix colored pill in each hand instead…

We need to get the obecalp out of the closet and on the lawn…

After shaping the board I thought man this thing is soooo thin its never gonna float me so i figured id end up selling it but after riding it nope not gonna sell that board.

I actually wrote Obecalp 0000001 on the stringer HA!

just gotta get the word out that Obecalp EPS blanks will be available soon.