John is a board builder like most on this site He was interested in trying one of my 5 fin desisgns . I suggested this 6’3” x 21 1/2” x 2 7/8” Modern Fish 2 .
Foil and Rocker
Foiled tucked edge nose to tail
Custom made sized , fitted and placed fins .
John’s Email about his first ride 3 days ago :-)
Hi Greg, Took the board out this morning for 3 hours in well overhead conditions with quite a bit of energy. First wave that comes is of course backside. Just as advertised, I pushed and thought I gave it a little to much, but instead I just grabbed and accelerated. Surprised to say the least, but then see the section in front of me and don’t think there is any possible way I’m getting around it. WRONG again, flew across the face. Quite possibly the fastest I’ve gone on a wave…and I felt under control. Many more rights after that one, with same response. Finally got some lefts as tide was filling, but still able to find speed to burn. The back foot pressure over the fins did just as you described, lifted and riding on air practically! My buddy’s who were with me know my limitations as a surfer, and they acknowledged the difference in my surfing today. I’m pretty confident you will be getting another order here shortly, and I’ll keep spreading the word! Still cursing your new glassers who can’t do the foam stains, that would have been the icing on the cake, and a great display board in my living room:)! If only everyone was dedicated to the level you are in the shaping process. So happy to finally hold one of your boards and examine every curve and edge. I am curious about the 5 fin layout when it comes to even a wider tail(think mini simmons). Would that set up still work as well, and do you have a precise adjustment per width you use. Of course, if this is all “top secret” I understand, just thinking of an older friend I have who rides prone and is trying out different paipo type finned boards. As I rode in on my belly today, I thought of him and really kept my weight back on the fins and found it still having the “lift” factor. Could a backyarder like myself even hope to pull of a workable design, it seems like you’ve got it dialed to the 1/16th of inch!! I sincerely hope you can continue to shape and provide your wife with some great vacations and time together! Take care John
my brother stole it with my blessing since I’m sidelined with this adhesive capsulitis cr*p and I know chandler wanted some feedback from his long term customers on his new design. He’s riding it in town so I sure it’s getting allot of looks. Plus since my brother always tells me he’s a better surfer than me and knows more about surfing I’ll defer to him. Plus I’m a little more cranial/anal in my examination of designs.
The ultimate GG quiver for me would be his longboard with front and rear channels in a two plus one set up so you could try out his single fin designs or ride it as a 6 channel thruster, then a high performance 5 fin short board for really good days, followed by a 3fin hovercraft with keel or twinzer options for something different. If you don’t ride really fast and powerful northshore like ways you could get away with one of his high performance twins or 5 fin modfish two in place of the shortboard. If you are older and a good surfer you could replace the short board and longboard with a decent sized rocket maybe 7’6’ to 8"6" not too small or too big just wide thick and foiled enough for the paddle power.
Haven’t had a chance to ride the 3 fin again. Took out the 10’ 2" today in very small diamond head and I was happy that I did. 80 people out in 1’ maybe 2’ at take off. I let a lot of waves go so others wouldn’t think I was an ass, but I got a lot too. I want waist to head high waves for the 3 fin. Based on my first go out, that board should be even more fun than our original 5-fin fish. It’s got more meat, but it’s shorter. Paddles better then Bernie’s old 6’ 2" 5-fin fish. It should be a heck of a lot of fun in good waves. I’ll bet it works better than any mini simmons around.
Depending on the places you surf, a 3 fin hovercraft and a modfish 5-fin for your step up might be enough for a quiver. If there’s crazy crowds like where I surf, a big board is a great equalizer. With my 10’ 2" I can catch the waves before a SUP can. I would not have been very happy on a 6’ board today. Felt sorry for all the fools who were on them.
The next chance I get, I’m going to ride the 5’11" Hovercraft, then take out Bernie’s 6’4" Mandala quad fish. The last time I used the quad fish, it seemed a bit too big, but I’m 10 pounds heavier, so it should be an interesting comparison.
“Based on my first go out, that board should be even more fun than our original 5-fin fish. It’s got more meat, but it’s shorter. Paddles better then Bernie’s old 6’ 2” 5-fin fish. It should be a heck of a lot of fun in good waves. I’ll bet it works better than any mini simmons around."
The original 5-fin fish works with the wide point forward of center. I think where you have the wide point normally helps add or take away some of the drive. With Griffin’s 5-fin there’s tons of drive. The tail is securely planted and will not spin, so you can put all of your power into a turn and it will convert all that power into thrust.
Another ride report with questions - they were answered
Hi Greg,
More great rides this week in well overhead surf. Making sections I know I wouldn’t make on any other board, and catching waves pretty easily due to the glide when paddling. I’ve always like my Jobson twinzer for that same reason, hard rails all the way seem to be the ticket:). Backside is where I have seen the biggest difference. Unreal speed and control. Question on the modfish back 3 fin spacing, cant, and toe. Would it be possible to run this as your “hovercraft” design with just 3 fins(assuming I would need run the larger front fins and need one more large center fin)? Just curious if they are completely different measurements for the fin spacing or if it would be doable? Not that the 5 fin needs to be changed, just interested in what the differences are in those models? Thanks! John
Greg, I rode the 3-fin today. Head high at diamond head, lots of west. Started at lighthouse because the crowd was small, but I really don’t like that wave with this swell direction. It’s a bunch of bowls that you have to connect, or just a single bowl. Fun take offs, but not a long wall. I don’t know many of the guys out there, so I just stayed on the inside and caught scraps.
Paddled back to cliffs and surfed about a hour more. The waves were gutless, but the board is a lot of fun. Easy to paddle, and once you’re on the wave it’s very manuverable yet glides so well. Easy to do fast spinning type turns, and you can still do hard drawn out turns. Just need to decide what you want and place your back foot in the right spot. Only got one very short backside ride, but it felt good. I could paddle that board about as fast as some of the people on longboards, so it paddles well. I think it might be on the edge of out of control in big waves, but I don’t think you made it for that.