6'4" wooden board build

I don’t normally post on sways, but as this build is wrapping up I thought I would share a photo journey for this board.

Hey Philip that looks like a crazy lot of work, hope you can follow up with some nice beach shots now!

Uggh…  Unnecessary foam… 

Different strokes.   No matter what, he doesn’t have to worry about venting the board or getting a pinhole or ding.  



After doing it, I agree. It was an experiment based on a board that surfdude/olddude did a while back. Just trying to give the board an overall cleaner look without a vent. I like to try something new with every board build I do.

Not to revive an older thread, but it finally has some closure.

Big thank you to uncled for spending a morning showing me the finer points of glassing and accidentally naming the board. The banana.

Beach shots and ride report to come after some sanding and glossing.

That’s great, his posts always seem super positive and helpful, and he posts some awesome looking boards too.

BTW: This page takes forever to load on my computer, because of all those oversized files you downloaded to the original post.  If you keep your pics in the KB range its generally not a problem, but once you get into the MB range, it can be an issue.  Pics appear sideways, upside down, or take forever to load.  Attached is a screen shot of the edit page of your post.  Often I will take the time to download the pics onto my computer and edit them down to a reasonable size, then re-post, but when you post over 30 pics in one post, no.


Sorry about that, I didn’t think it was a problem. I think I figured it out, but they are out of build order now. I’ll try to keep an eye on the file sizes when I post up pictures.