Ive got a number of boards hanging in the garage…mostly no-names and epoxy stuff…but for the last 30 years I’ve been using a Stylist II by Surfboards Hawaii and its been an old friend. Ive been surfing since '65 and now its geeting to be an issue popping up…especially in Jersey…so I’m researching the stuff I have hanging on the walls…this has been a great everyday east coast board.
Surfboards Hawaii was at the top of the heap with their pinched rail pin tails like the Model AAA. Don’t know much about the Hawaiian Stylist, but it seems to fit that pinched rail pin tail formula.
It’s been a while since 1965, and almost none of us are the skinny surf kids with the quick moves we were then. Unfortunately.As we wander towards our eighth decade. Still, we made it this far, never expected to, no?
Especially in beach breaks, which just are not as easy and predictable as reefs and points and such.
So, what have you got in the garage, maybe a bit longer, a bit more nose rocker? That’ll give you a little more time to catch the wave and get it together, possibly something you can knee paddle? Assuming your knees can still hack knee paddling, mine can’t. You’d hear the screams in Jersey.
And you can hang the Stylist II in a spot that’s appropriate, and tell stories of waves you had with it.
and me, I still have my green G&S from back then, and there’s lots of stories it comes with.
Someone reminded me in a PM that Billy Hamilton was involved with the “Stylist”. I do remember an add in which Billy had it up on rail in a soupy North County wave.
The Stylist II was another holdover from their longboard models, though quite different from the orginal. At 7’0" I’d say the board was made in 1969. Slightly shorter than average for that year, but still in the ballpark. What’s up with that white area ahead of the fin? The box looks like it is original and also fits a '69 build, but it looks like a filler was added up front.