7'2" timber gun design help..

just wondering if anyone would like to give me some advise on my next hollow timber board design. this will be my third timber board and my second using the aku shaper program matched with the hollow board template maker.

i want to design a late 70’ish single fin gun but i would like some advise from people in the know. as there’s so much work in hollow timber boards, i dont want to get half way through and realise ive got it all wrong (again!)…

this is what i have so far…

Check your PM’s.

my Lightning bolt is 7’2" x 18 1/2" (not sure on thickness) 12" nose, 10 3/4" tail

widepoint 3 inches forward of center.

them thar bolt dimentions my be the ticket

But Im sure old Billyboy is a steerin ya in the right direction

Let us know what you come up with