808 , Do you live on oahu ? Aloha ,Cal

Yeah, i live on Hickam (active duty air force) originially from Kauai. http://home.hawaii.rr.com/makani808shapes/

Kenny , Thanks for getting back to me … i live right up the road halawa right below camp smith . I`ll give you a call later . Aloha ,Cal

Kenny, Do you know what happened to the Surflust website, Bud’s surfing life?

The wavelust link on my practice site works fine, i think my site works best with IE 5 or better. i put it up about a year or 2 ago when i was learning dreamweaver and have not gone back in to do any updates. BTW there is link to swaylocks on that page, if you position your mouse over the little square above the H in 808 SHAPES you will see the hyperlink. Also i’m not Kenny (Tilton) he’s my dad and he lives on Maui. The guys that have been around for 35+ years will know who he is. He shaped for Jacobs and Velzy and few others back in the day. I am a second generation shaper or should i say learning, rookie, novice, experimentalist etc shaper. i only wish i would’ve started a long time ago, i’m totally addicted, i’ve foregone some killer days of surf to work on shaping. I grew up on Kauai and spent hours in the shaping room with Mike Wellman during my teen years and sporadically with my dad over the years. i just started doing my own boards in the last year or so. oh yeah i’m 35. The Air force has been good to me and i’m lucky to be back in Hawaii and about five years away from retirement eligibility. So i figured i try my hand at shaping. I tell you what, this site has been way more than anything a learning shaper could ask for. Thanks Foamdust for the turn on to this site and letting do one of my first boards at your place. Also thanks to the many others especially Jim Phillips, Herb Spitzer etc… I havnt asked any how to questions or posted any thoughts until recently, but ive been watching and reading and listening for about a year now and i’ve definately been educated by this site. A big mahalo to Mike Paler the man behind it all. Much Aloha, Makani http://home.hawaii.rr.com/makani808shapes/