9/11 *PIC*

Hi USA We did this for you guys. The Goldcoast is the best place to live and surf check it out Rabbit http://goldcoast.seafm.com.au/flagpics.asp http://Southcoastfoam.com.au

Rabbit, I know I speak for many when I say “THANKYOU”. It’s great to have you guys with us. Swaylock (Swaylaholics – here’s the photo that Rabbit was trying to show.)

Thanks Rabbit, good on ya, Scott

Rabbit - I sent a word of thanks to the radio station that sponsored that… Thanks to you too!

Rabbit - I sent a word of thanks to the radio station that sponsored > that… Thanks to you too! I love Americans first, but I also love Australians. I’ve met many surfers over the years, and the Australians are always good guys. They always enjoy a good beer and a good surf. I am convinced I could enjoy living among them. Now, if I could just learn their language [wink]

I love Americans first, but I also love Australians. I’ve met many surfers > over the years, and the Australians are always good guys. They always > enjoy a good beer and a good surf. I am convinced I could enjoy living > among them. Now, if I could just learn their language [wink] …I have a friend over here from the Gold Coast named Greg.He’s a night worker like me.He works on helis by night,and surfs by day.One heck of a nice guy. …Many thanks to you rabbit for all your contrubutions,and I hope to hear more from you and your adventures in life.Herb

Hi USA We did this for you guys. The Goldcoast is the best place to live > and surf check it out Rabbit>>> http://goldcoast.seafm.com.au/flagpics.asp Considering the rhetoric coming out of Europe these days I half expected to see a bunch of guys flipping us the bird. What a nice suprise! Almost made me tear-up a little. Thanks Rabbit. And thanks to all those in the picture.

Considering the rhetoric coming out of Europe these days I half expected > to see a bunch of guys flipping us the bird. What a nice suprise! Almost > made me tear-up a little. Thanks Rabbit. And thanks to all those in the > picture. Thanks for all the threads on the photo. There was about 5000 people in the flag. Some USA people on the beach had a few tears in the eyes, But everyone had heaps of fun All the luck in the world Rabbit http://www.southcoastfoam.com.au

Thanks for all the threads on the photo. There was about 5000 people in > the flag. Some USA people on the beach had a few tears in the eyes, But > everyone had heaps of fun All the luck in the world Rabbit Many thanks to you and all those concerned, Rabbit! Very, very nice to see… Dale

Thanks! It’s nice to know we still have friends, unlike our ungrate neighbirs to the north.