9'2" Big Fish

Hi, have not posted in a while and just finished a fun project so thought I’d post pics.

The board is for a guy who is 173cm tall, 100 kilos and personally i think it’s way overbuilt for him

but he wanted the board 9’2" 24 5/8" 3 9/16".

Fins are inspired by shipman.

Had really fun building this monster fish.

Jimmy yoshio shibata.

I like the shape Jimmy, might be like you said, overkill, but it does look good. I am looking to make a giant fish too, but utilising an old windsurfing board as the blank with 2 foam stringer inserts so I can get the outline right, whilst retaining good width. It’s an old Burford blank, so the foam should still be good to use. Interested to know how your customer gets on with his new board.

Sweet looking board mate!

Hi,kudu. the owner is very happy with his board and didn’t mention anything about the board being too floaty. He really liked the board the way it projects out of turns. the minus side was that he thought the board had too little nose rocker…other than that it’s always good to hear that your customers are happy with their boards.

jimmy yoshio shibata.

Hi beerfan, Thanks cool you like the board.It was my customer that came up with the outline and

I couldn’t really belive it at first when he said 9’2" Fish!!

Jimmy yoshio shibata.