Here’s the latest addition to my quiver, a 9’3" log. I shaped the board & made the fin but outsourced the glassing. Special thanks to ‘mudybech’ & ‘neira’ for helping me out with fin & outline templates respectively. I named this board ‘Kailani’ which is Hawai’ian for ‘sky’. I’m yet to introduce her to the sea but hope to do so next week on a long pointbreak up north.
Love the look of the board. Tell me how did you make the fin? Lay up some glass or other? Im still in the learning stages of making fins- makin em is easy! foiling? now thats an art I have not got down. I like the concave in the nose also. I know everyone on here thinks concaves are a waste of time, but I like it. R
Beautiful outline,laps, tint, rails, concave, fin, craftsmenship, and board. Surf it with the Swaylock stoke.. Love the pig like shape. Let us know how she rides...
gday neptune. just laid up a few sheets of glass at a time on a piece of heavy laminate. i kinda made it up as i went, just using a squeegee. iv’e since learnt i should have used a metal roller. i made a big slab about five years ago, & i just cut out fins as i need them. i think i learned how to do it on swaylocks many moons ago. i’m no fin foiling expert either. scrap plywood’s good to practice with, because the foil is defined by the layers, which makes it easier to assess your progress. regardless of what anyone else reckons about bottom contours, i’m really looking forward to rubbing that concave across the face of some peelers next week. yew!
thank you tim. not sure if it’ll make it into my next film, it’ll probably keep me off the beach with my camera & in the water more, which is a good thing. i definitely feel like i could do with some more surf time.
thanks bob! nice to hear from you. it’s been nearly two years ago that you snail-mailed me those cardboard fin templates. i chose this one straight away. i cut it out & pinned it on the notice board in my study, & i used to look at it all the time while i was editing seaworthy on my computer. i was so busy with the film that i didn’t have time to make my log, but i thought about it a lot. thanks for the inspiration, & thanks again for your generosity in going to all that trouble to make & mail those templates. good on you mate.
Thanks for the nice comment. Swaylocks has an amazing power in pulling people from all over the world around this "campfire", as its been said, to enjoy each others company and interests. A fun place to drop into from time to time.
I may hit you up for that outline one day.. I've been a huge fan of that shape for a long time. Can't wait to hear the ride report.
hey jory. apologies for the late reply. the dims are: 9’3" x 17" x 22 3/4" x 17" x 3"
i’ve been enjoying getting to know this board. it took me a while to get used to it, as it’s got more tail rocker & outline curve & less volume than my previous log. but now i feel we’re getting acquainted nicely. at first it was a little tricky but now i’m loving the feeling of the belly as it rolls through turns & the lift from the concave is really positive. it’s surprisingly easy to throw around, the board pivots nicely off the fin & the curve of the hips. my goal was to make a log that’s versatile for the waves we get around here, the odd pointbreak but mostly variable beachies. i’m happy.