A/C (after Clark)

Some pics for you guys.



thanks, Jimmy … nice shots !

…who or what is “PSG” , I wonder ?

cheers !


Stands for Pacific Surf Glass Chip. Almost 300 views and one reply? Hmmmm

I can’t see photos of boards wrapped in clear plastic and not be suspicious of their origin.

I don’t mean anything by that except exactly what it says.

I spent about 5 hours there yesterday and watched the kid wrap most of those. I was working in the next room…

Good to know. Thanks

Cool shots–always glad to see a glass shop humming with biz.

Care to comment on the resin tints with epoxy/EPS? Are they using unspackled 3lb foam? tinting over spackle/sealing compound/epoxy slurry? How do they look when they’re buffed out?



I like the stack of fish.

Stands for Pacific Surf Glass Chip. Almost 300 views and one reply? Hmmmm

Pretty standard on here, I think (lurkers).

Nice work! What this proves is that it all about CRAFTSMANSHIP! A good craftsman doesn’t blame his tools or materials. He works it out to produce quality. Congrats PSG!

Beautiful boards. Just what we’d expect from KG. Good work PSG. Thanks JJR. Anyone have an ETA on that EPS from LA?

I love those wooden tail-blocks on that yellow fish. Real Classy!

Thanks for those photos, good to hear that you’re doing just fine after clark.

that rusty gun looked really nice.

thanks, Jimmy yoshio shibata.

It’s good to hear and see high production stuff still gets done in these times. I wasn’t to worried to begin with though.

Did I see a Fish Stix in one of those photo’s. Is he still doing print right from the actual fish or something like that. Good to see Marshall is still at it.

this is classic surfermag.c



According to the guys at PSG they haven’t missed a beat. They wanted me to let you guys know it’s business as usual…

 Does that mean they're still losing as many orders as they used to?  

It’s the fuggin surf business!!!Where have you been??