A challenge to all of the baggage handlers

Try to break my board.

now put it in a box.

dream dream drream…

I write E-Z CUZ

on the out side.

baggage handling is a sport

a goal is of mixed interpretation.

put a handle on if it is heavy

try to break my board?

wrong attitude

please dont break my grandmother’s board…

better attitude.


It’s EZ, all they got to do it try to pick it up with a fork lift!

Next time it’s better to put water pipe insulation on the rails, you know that squishy grey splittable tube stuff from the home depot. Then you take a sheet of 1 in, 1 lb EPS and cut that to fit the shape of your board. Now you have some impact resistance, and no additional weight. do it the same way for multiple boards…make it kind of like an EPS sandwich. It’s the best use for EPS I’ve found so!! OUCH, sorry had to say it, just joking, my bad!


After the TSA unwraps it looking for Osama/WMDs then stuffs the naked board back in the bag it’ll be easy prey for the handlers.

Have a nice trip!

You’re right, it is EZ. However, it may just slip through unharmed because the “degree of difficulty” is so low. Not sporting enough.


Best of luck.

Ya think? Don’t be so sure…

every airport has lots and lots of these…

and when it’s forklift vs. surfboard ya want to bet on the forklift every time. Trust me on this one…

I could tell ya stories - repairs I have done where somebody stuffed a forklift fork ( or two) Straight Freakin’ Through a board while it was being shipped. Makes a nice, clean, rectangular hole. Among the few times I have given somebody a bill for a ding repair, which ( after I got paid) they sent to the airline or shipper.

And then there is the surfing urban legend of the guy who was travelling and took his video camera on the plane with him, being as he had a window seat and all. While waiting to get off the plane, he’s sitting there, filming who knows what, forklifts probably, and he sees Mister Baggage Handler riding his board ( in the bag) down the conveyor belt…

I believe his free airline miles will run out in about the year 2200 - he had 'em nailed…

happy landings


Hey Doc,

That wasn’t a rectangular hole, that was the baggage handler installing a new finbox on the board.

check this out:

Real Men of Genius


While I commend your effort, I still believe that board would get tweaked.

I’m with Thrailkill, Santa Monica Surfcase is the way to go. Have travelled extensively with one with not one ding. Pricey yes, but better than having your boards all smashed up…


Dang, Rolliges, you just insured the NSA will be monitoring Sways for the next dozen years. :frowning:


However, it may just slip through unharmed because the “degree of difficulty” is so low. Not sporting enough

My first airline travel since 9/11 saw not one but two yes two 4 hour flight delays, this on top of the three hour early arrival…for a three hour flight. The first of these abominations saw a smaller replacement jet solution, with approximately 30 souls cast aside in an orgy of “bumped from flight swag” negotiations. Trouble was in the airline zeal to pick up time, which I in fact appreciated, all the original luggage had been moved to the new plane, meaning the luggage of 30 people had to be sorted and removed (a good 30 minutes of viewing). Baggage carriers carefully carried golf club bags but tossed the one surfboard onto the concrete although the cart was probably closer. I think the logic, such as it was, was to put the board in the cart on top of the other bags to minimize chance of damage. I figured I’d never see my luggage again for at least a week or two, if ever. The possible agitation of this was heavily mitigated by my daypack in the overhead compartment, replete with trunks, swim fins, rashguard, hat, book, and Neumatic surfmat.

surfer’s are known to smuggle drugs in or with their boards.

you/we rate high on the TSA/Customs hotlist

the other trigeers are how you act and look and what your last name is.

there’s certain codes they will flag on your ticket with when you check in that will mark you as you go along your way.


wrap good but make it easy to check and put back togethor by the TSA

the solid cases are good but heavy baggage gets the gorilla treatment by the handlers whom you piss off. They even steal your stuff and sellit if you getthem real mad.

Personally I’d do it too if I was stuck all day loading board bags while others getto surf far off locations…

The airlines have been cutting pay and benefits for sometime now so the attitude is not all that great in the “pits”.

Have a great trip and don’t spaz about the board part just bring a Surfco solaRez or epoxy repair kit and focus on the trip part versus the board part it’sll be more fun then…


The possible agitation of this was heavily mitigated by my daypack in the overhead compartment, replete with trunks, swim fins, rashguard, hat, book, and Neumatic surfmat.

Hey Bill, I have a Santa Monica hardcase for longboards that I never use. If anyone needs to borrow one for a trip, or (better yet) wants to buy it, just let me know.