A fun side business building boards....

I was getting burnt out on my regular business in Real Estate investments and decided to do this side business for fun and if its a hit, great! If it doesn’t do well, oh well, at least I tried… Haven’t been in here to much lately as we been very busy building boards, surfing and having fun… We have just about everything in place and we should be in full swing come October… Our little advertising campaign won’t start coming out till October and already the orders are pouring in much to my surprise… I guess the power of word of mouth works after all! A few well known surfers have put in some orders already too… A lot of SUP surfers were ready for us and what we have to offer. Boards are working unreal but I still have a lot of things I’d like to try so the Prototypes are still being made…

Dave Parmenter and I have joined forces and he will be shaping his SUP boards under our label… This works out perfect because he shapes all lengths of SUP boards and he’s one of the best in the world at it for sure… I was turning away the long ones because I’m not interested but Dave loves shaping all kinds of SUP boards… I’m stoked to be working with him!!! We both have the same goals on what we want out of this… The ability to Surf, design, Surf, make some money, Surf, surf and have fun surfing! Hehehe! Not going for millions, just going for the enjoyment of it all…

An article that came out a few weeks ago… Kinda basic overview of the state of SUP surfing and design…


My new company website… Still working on it… Plenty to improve on but I hardly have the time… Should be good to go by October…


Hope everyone is getting good waves and making cool boards…

Aloha, Blane


Looking Good! This is what we’ve all been waiting for. I was wondering why I hadn’t seen your posts for a while.


Great links, thanks :slight_smile:

Blane, I just got back from Maui where I saw a few on SUP’s. One thing that really got my attention was a (beautiful) woman out early one morning at Launiupoko Park. Waves were small, swell wasn’t up yet, and there were only about 3 of us out anyway. She took a look around and paddled on down to the next little wave near the road, and surfed there by herself for the next couple hours. I don’t think I saw her fall once. Definitely not a Kook on your list, but Kool in both skill & aloha. I was most impressed.

I guess my point is that maybe you should make sure you have a line of boards (and paddles with smaller blades) specifically for women. Typically - and trying not to ruffle any feathers here - female surfers have better balance than their male counterparts but less upper body strength - so the paddle is more of an equalizer than an advantage. And I think its something (besides what you already do) that would really set your company apart. I bet Dave P would be into it too, seeing the life he shared with one of the best known female surfers of our times.

You’ve probably already thought of this & all. But just in case, there it is. Make a page on your site just for women’s boards, paddles, and fins. Put Desiree DeSoto on one and maybe even Gabby Reece on another :slight_smile: I bet Roxy would link to it in a second…big market segment, my friend.

Oh yeah, I stopped in & visited with Ole too. He has a couple 12’3"'s left for SUP orders :slight_smile: Nobody is immune… :slight_smile:

Aloha Carve:

Wow, there is nothing like doing something you have passion for and getting paid for doing it! Your “stoke” is contagious and it is spreading fast. You got me excited and my friends are interested. If you need help at the local trade shows, let me know and I’ll do it for free (not really, you would have to pay for a plate lunch with extra gravy and a diet Coke.)


aloha Blane

looks good and best of luck…

But on a side note did DP dump CMP with his EPS business or are you all one big happy family now?

If so it seems like CMP may have to update his website if DP is going elsewhere.

I’m praying that this is all gelling for everyone involved including all the glassers and blank makers involved.

that would be a nice sight to see for once in this industry, everyone working togethor to bring something new to the marketplace versus people constantly fighting for their piece of the pie…

Aloha Blane!

Great work and nice website. Embrace the moment…you are blessed! Can’t wait for my SUP. Let me know if you need someone to screen some shirts for your company. My cousin does silkscreen t’s.

so far…dis is how I sup…hahaha!


aloha Blane

looks good and best of luck…

But on a side note did DP dump CMP with his EPS business or are you all one big happy family now?

If so it seems like CMP may have to update his website if DP is going elsewhere.

I’m praying that this is all gelling for everyone involved including all the glassers and blank makers involved.

that would be a nice sight to see for once in this industry, everyone working togethor to bring something new to the marketplace versus people constantly fighting for their piece of the pie…

Thanks oneula! We are one big happy family. If anything, we are going to be sending a ton of boards to CMP for wood veneer. Dave and I plan on keeping Charlie busy doing what he likes to do best… Kimo will not notice even the slightest decrease in boards as Dave will always send Aleutian Juice stuff to him to glass… Brian at Island Glass and the West Side guys will be seeing a big increase in business from us… I agree with you… Its fun when all is gelling. Everyones stoked… I’ll be getting blanks from CMP, Brian, and only sometimes from a mainland source… I’m trying to keep it everything in Hawaii and with cool people who follow through with things… Nothing worse than empty promises. We surround ourselves with good people… Keeps it all fun! I just had another known shaper ask if he could shape under our label… If we do it I’ll post it on the site… He’s really good too!

Ohhh Blane Blane Blane… what have you done? Youve gone and put together a highly informative site that looks amazing and now everyone will try it and know how much fun it is!

A pox on your cutback!!!

Im just kidding, big ups to you. I really like the "kook or Kool’ portion. I had a conversation with a guy the other day while I was in the water at San Onofre. At SanO they have a designated spot you can launch surf craft and ride, mainly to keep people from killing all the kids in the water. I got no problem, but I park on the north side and paddle to the south to go for a surf. It gives me a warm up and I like that. But this guy must have thought he found a kindered soul for RnD on his “motor board” he wants to make. Air pressure powered for getting in and out of the waves. You wouldnt even have to move your arms he tells me…

I think he missed the point of the experience.

So whos going to be making the down-winders? Im laying up spackle on 2 paddleboards right now and hope to have them glassed by the weeks end, but I do believe that Jami has me scheduled to make her a SUP and a down winder SUP.

So if you need a wahine for R & D, shes all over it. I agree about the women specific paddles. I made her a blade a quarter inch smaller than mine, and it lasted one session before I had to take it down about an inch across. So her blade is about 8.75" across and 16" tall, but her paddle is 6’1, which should be to long for her, but she finds the stroke pleasing on long paddles. The float of “largemarge” may have something to do with it. Im going to make her another paddle after I finish her SUP…

Theres worse things I girl can desire of me. J has no idea why Louis Vatton is cool, and I like it that way…

Manoa, soon you will look like this!

Great website and I’m sure you’re going to give a lot of stoke to a lot of people!

Maybe you should print out that kook or kool page and include it with every board sale, just in case! I can see these things becoming the next big craze here in nor cal and i’ve already seen collisions featuring one SUP surfer already here. But I can also totally see them having their time and place and bringing a lot of joy to their users, so best wishes to you!


A LACK of skills and knowledge

can lead to breaches in the collective wisdoms

there are spot specific

realities for every

yes each and every

specialized surfing equiptment form.

pushing the limits"" of a given form is an ego rush.

modifying specialized equiptment forms is popular

as we here in swayville know quite well.

superman and clark kent came from swayville

before they moved to metropolis city

the looming presence of short sighted wannabeeists

wether they pursue fortune or fame

will be with us till the human genome

has space migrated or becomes extict

on this planet.

the exactitude of applying these

super uncontrol projectiles

is a magnum responsibility.

short how to lists withstanding

the leaarning curve is a

broad concave curve.

self assured nazi enthusiasts

who train daily to hone skills readily

or at painful trial aquired

are to be praised for their tenacity.

this said we must address motives:

the short game motive is obvious to the pecking order challenged,

more for me where there was none before.

burning the pecking order down from the bottom floor is at hand

the mere possession of a mega platform at the cost of mere money or effort

is the root of the problem.

bankers,Lawyers,used car dealers real estate brokers on a roll

are allowed a jump to status formerly unattainable.

bless their mortal souls may they find peace.

the Code of ethics unspoken aloud or written in this

sub culture we hold so dearly close to our hearts

is being challenged.

an OLD dicipline is being

morphed before our very eyes

sitting back to watch

is amusing and unsettling.

traditional spots are under seige

the morph of designs being specialized

to ride the Sophisticated waves marked and studied

the optimum boards well accepted

and applied are in heavy use.

any design morph will become

more simular to accepted forms than diffrent

I.E. rides like a short board long board

or rides like a long board shortboard

to introduce alternative specialized equiptment

is a slow and delicate process.

the introduction of the ''short board ",alaia

into the surfing culture of the late 1960s

was a momentus event of world shaking impact.

to those who clearly remember the clashes were notpleasant.

the return of a walking board ,over 8’

in contemporary popularity was also fraught with discontent

the return of the olo board though

phantasised by some

has not yet addressed the real olo parameters.

pharquing Wrong boarders!

was a battle cry not uncommon


is not exclusive to any one venue.

claims of "wrong board " indiscressions are

vollyied back and forth by the discontent


the Jury is out deciding the case


the humility and grace and magnanimity

of surfing will prevail.

the self serving greed

wether in the fortune or fame department

will ebb and flow with the tide of humanity.

surfers who endured wind surfers

until they found their niche

were of noble stock.

responsible opperating of alternative equiptment

is of primary concern.

opperating equipment in appropriate venues

is also of concern

sequestering enthusiasm

in these appropriate venues

is a learning experience

in it self.

rincon is ,

in super uncool placement

for the beach boy disipline

a short sprint up the coast

toward carpenteria

to coal oil point is a wise move

and more rewards than just waves.

social distance will breed a familiarity

and acceptance necessary to the

slow growth into this dicipline.

the wisdom of expressing this relocation

recomendation short of a brawling confrontation

or vandalous destruction of transportation

equiptment is immediately necessary

as the popularity of this recently

highly promoted specialized

venue grows …

as with wind surfing’spromotional hey day

this too shall pass.

the spiffy sponsored apparel manufacturers

and equiptment moguls will

eventually focus their attention elsewhere.

until then Patience and calm must prevail

leave the confrontation to the young bucks

the aging 40 year olds will accept their fate

as they slip from their bull status

they cherish it so dearly

they must have their day

though the sun is setting

quickly,their days of dominating the "hottie spots "

is approaching twilight

no matter what plastic junk

they support their egos on

body surfing will be the final venue.

unless the Corronary God

takes them in a massive tube ride at

backdoor on their 5’7’’

stand up paddle


if this guy can read hand him a copy of this post

I made my paddle long ago

and my first 12 'er turns 30 years old in january


the credible venues

will indeed be outside

offshore and

coastal cruising

from carp to C street wood be a stellar run.

if the guy was any good?

why is he sand boxing on his Harley

unless his fragile self esteem

needs to show off in front of the little kids

that burn him on his short board?


the return of the olo board though

phantasised by some

has not yet addressed the real olo parameters.

I don’t give a Fork if my olo building parameters are real according to you or any other self proclaimed keeper of the plebian faith, my 17 footer is frigging real, that’s for sure, and I ride my home break the way it suits me. When you are the King you are the King, and you do what you like ! .


When you are the King you are the King, and you do what you like ! .

And as Mel Brooks put it:

It’s good to be the King!!

Just got this in my website mailbox…

“MAHALO, for kook or kool! Those rules apply to all surfers. Can I have permission to copy this and send them to a big kook SUP? He owns a surf shop here in Santa Barbara (I want to send it anonymously for reasons I won’t go into here). He’s promoting his boards and is giving SUP a bad name.”


You are too funny! Manoa, Blane made into an instant SUP surfer. I love it!


keep your fork.

real olo boards are availiable for viewing at the bishop museumm,

they have little or no rocker.

they go fast

they are 11’‘-19’’ wide.

to usurp authority

and designate onself of the nobility

is a substantial leap.

being king entails great responsibility.

maintaining grace ,humility and magnanimity

included.you may wish to be …a king,

you may believe you are a king

bless your kingdom

whay you do is what you are like.

the point being

Rincon ,ventura county line

is at discussion.

"the mere possession of a mega platform

at the cost of mere money or effort

is the root of the problem."

the royal class rode the olo

not the Roy class


saying it doesnt make it so.

king? a european concept

in europe the monarchy can raise up

one’s status to knight

perhaps this is deserved

king of the beach is a popular illusion

I dont begrudge phantasms.

its summer down under and

the daylight hours are intoxicating.

here in the winter of the northern hemisphere

time to contemplate at the full moon

of the approaching winter solstice

is at hand.the fact that you feel

that you are thwarted at every turn is

your problem.

as king you should be above such insecurities.

I gave you a spot on my tree,and you never thanked me.

the guy at rincon needs to surf the next point up

get it?

"bless their mortal souls may they find peace. "

"responsible opperating of alternative equiptment

is of primary concern. "

"rincon is ,

in super uncool placement

for the beach boy disipline"



this one is about

some guy at


who wishes to be king

or thinx he is king

perhaps you are related.

He May think he can do what he likes

because of his assumed status.

I dont surf there.

my friend skip does

along with a few hundred others on a regular basis.

your 17 footer is an illusion.

my boards are real.

and I am your only friend.

treat me as such

or risk a real insult.


I expect an appology

for your un called for tone

where you deluded yourself

into thinking you were

directly indicated.

george ingham called his boards

OLO 15 years ago

they were not olos either.

delusions of grandeur

were common in the patrician class in rome’s later empire

perhaps it was a side effect of lead poisioning

from lead plumbing.

you have a life.

We are all Kings and Queens, the key is to know it.

However, since you call me out on it, realise that I am directly descended from Kenneth McAlpine, first King of Scots.

SUP on that.


In Aotearoa we like our OLO’s to be more curvaceous !

And we have a Hawai … . . southern hemisphere old sport. http://www.olosurfer.com/LeviOsa2.wmv


History is dead unless we bring it to life by doing something with it

Olo design is blossoming. . . . I have communed with the Ancient ones, the message is that it’s all good.

my OLO boards are state of the art !


the exodus from europe

was in part to leave behind the stilted

caste system built on and maintained

by brutality of the aristocracy

in the guise of nobility.

the westward movement

in the northern hemisphere was

spurned by self styled aristocracy.

the maverick westerners from whom I am decended

owed aleigence to no monarchy

and for the most part took responsibility for their own character

pholosophy and actions.

side steping an appology

with an allusion to grandness in the Mc Alpine

liniage is a side step and an excuse for poor manners and

further more a reprehensible way to act for

one claiming blood lineage.

I am a direct decendant of nobody

but I stand a man of character

responsible to an expansive list of

men of character

of my blood line and not.

you are still n notice for an appology.

deny it if you will

you are who you are.


I am what I am

your attempts to belittle my

beliefs are your insecurities

the migration from kauai to New Zealand

is recorded,the master carver from waitungi told me that.

as tonto said to the lone ranger

what do you mean we…

post scriptus plebitus

It is all not good

such a cliche

ancient ones?

come on ,own up to your in disgressions


We mentioned the Whakapapa of the Bloke. . . no apologies for having one Ambrose.

When I say that I have communed with the Ancients I am not belittling your beliefs I am merely reporting and delivering a message.

The message is that it’s ALL good !

The message was unspoken, I translate into words from something deeper.
