a MASTER'S work ....

check out THIS guy's stuff !!!


[Scott Bauer Photography]



.... I would particularly LOVE to see THIS  issue !!




Nice work.

Check out this guy's work as well - he's just a kid (19 I think), with a rare talent with a camera.  This kid's going places.





cheers huck !


(the wedge is not a place I would enjoy frolicking with a water camera ....)


and his black and white stuff is GREAT


  he's obviously a very fit athlete , with a really good photo eye , and good positioning skills , in AND out of the water , by the looks of it !


like you say , I think we will see / be hearing more of this young man ...


  HOW did you come across his work , Huck ?  [thanks for sharing it with us, photographers inspire me , as does nature , and great surfers , too !]