A New Surfcraft Species. Take 2.


Gotcha, I’ll be tuning in

If I post a link theres no reason for this thread and Id like to hear what the Swayfolk think about it before they see the finished board.

 Some of the best insight and comments comes from people following the journey.


You got pics or a link?

Sure no offence taken, but after a few toilet jokes, its the end of any serious discussion...

 try again huh ?!




While I read the specs in your post I couldn’t help but notice the ad to my right which featured featured lots of rocker and contour.





2 posts and we're already O.T.  !

How soon is soon? 

Its been on 2 other forums since November because I knew I'd get this   http://www2.swaylocks.com/forums/best-toilet-humour  

I like what ya do, keep posting and ignore the shit people sling, if its not a valid comment or question, then ignore it, or try to, I do…


Come on Surffoils where is our ride report?


^^ ditto that



When I first posted there was a photo of a rather curvey woman next to SF’s post regarding no contour or no rocker. Struck me as kinda funny. I wouldn’t call my post slinging shit. I’ve interviewed SF for the paipo interview series so wouldn’t have bothered if I didn’t think hearing from him was worthwhile. Life’s a bit short to take too seriously.


I’m keen to see what’s next.









Ive been making small 4 foot versions to tow behind a 'tinny' to see how they react.


Come on Surffoils where is our ride report?



 Fishnsurfn, Nice grab off the boat forum !  Youre not getting the ride report so easily !!

 All good Bob, Good advice from you. i didnt see the chick but I guessed where you were coming from...   ;-)

I think folks were just ribbing you in the previous thread SF.

I want to see what you got

a bit of the back story can be found here... http://www2.swaylocks.com/forums/how-do-you-glass-beast

surfoils said "Its been on 2 other forums since November"

for those seriously curious, you might sniff around the wakesurfing forums...

'nuff said!

 So I thought one day Wouldnt it be cool if a board could float on air, just skimming or sliding above the surface.

Just dreaming about the zero drag and there'd be no rocker how/ what/ where or vee/concave/flat, truly minimalist shape with no hull at all. Maybe no rails either ?


 maybe a bladder emptying a curtain of ultrafine fine bubbles at the nose?

 Maybe it needs an engine to make a hovercraft style of air cushion?



 Just a deck (or not) and some way of staying above the surface....

 How would I do that ?

down in Texas, they’d call this thread “all hat and no cattle”

Thankfully its about design and not farming so you can let them know its called 'theory'.


Different theory, but a board with a hole in the middle - http://www.freepatentsonline.com/4507094.pdf

The inventor, Georges Hennebutte of Biarritz was a super talented guy, who invented a zodiac (the Espadon or Swordfish) and all manner of other creations including a surf leash. An under-documented talent. I hope to include more of his story in an inteview with Balsa.

Then there is the beachcoaster posted on the paipo forum -
http://www.google.com/patents/US1023601 … &q&f=false


There is a history of trying to ride on air.

