a nice dilemma

let’s say you were packing to go to a small island in Indo a couple days from now. Swell models are predicting 15 to 20 foot surf on the day you arrive. You have just finished building a 7’4", a 7’0", and a 6’4" for this trip (but you also have 7’10" and 8’6" guns handy,not to mention longboards and fish). You think the swell model is probably overstating what the waves will actually be (based on past experience). You have board bags to bring up to four boards. And you have a helmet…

What would you bring???

According to Dave PARMENTER, a longboard gun…

6’4", 7’0", 7’4", 8’6". you can cover all bases with this quiver. & there’s nothing too bad about being a little overgunned in indo perfection. who cares if your board’s a bit too long, you’re there to get barelled right? & if the swell suddenly drops & you’re overgunned on a 6’4", bodysurf or ride a mat. i hope you have a great trip.


Have a great trip!


Don’t forget to pack the lime green Speedo. All surf boards go faster when you wear a Speedo, just ask our European friends. That 7’10" will feel 12 inches longer if you know what i mean!


"Swell models are predicting 15 to 20 foot surf on the day you arrive…

What would you bring??? "

…what peter harwood said ,


NADS , the size of grapefruit .

leave the 6’4" behind and go longer.

have fun and keep Lee outta trouble!


let’s say you were packing to go to a small island in Indo a couple days from now. Swell models are predicting 15 to 20 foot surf on the day you arrive. You have just finished building a 7’4", a 7’0", and a 6’4" for this trip (but you also have 7’10" and 8’6" guns handy,not to mention longboards and fish). You think the swell model is probably overstating what the waves will actually be (based on past experience). You have board bags to bring up to four boards. And you have a helmet…

What would you bring???

I ran into a friend at Rincon today that had just returned from Nihiwatu Resort, so I asked him about your question, he said take all 4 boards. He did and used them all. It was pumping.

I’d also make sure to bring a handy camera to take pictures to share with my friends on swaylocks when I come back :wink:



I think you’ll spend more time on the smaller boards. Fast steep waves, probably the 7’2" or the 7’4". I think the bigger boards will get in the way. And those surf spots are just like Hawaii, if it’s too big out North, go around to the West, etc. My buddy Middy just got back from another pal Christian’s surf camp in Indo, all he surfed was a 6’8"-7’2". Now remember Middy is the size of an oversized Troll, but all he regularly surfs is HP longboards. He said he would have gotten crushed if he surfed a bigger board…and this is coming from a North Shore resident.


6’4, 7’0, 7’10 and the big gun…that’s what I’d want. Better to be over gunned than under gunned.

Be safe and have fun!

besides toilet paper and your speedo collection what boards did you decide on?

what about that one board forever thread… a funboard…lol

yeah, i’d go with the 6’4" and 2 gunny type boards. throw in something else in case you get sick of big waves…?!

Hey Keith, sounds like a great trip coming up!!!

I’d have to say that shorter boards would be easiest, if you are going to hollow areas

like Mentawais.

Longer guns didn’t seem to fit the curvature as readily as the shorter ones. In the

instance of long, deep tube rides the longer boards’ fins are further back in the tube

and the foam ball will make the board spin out. Smaller boards allow for more adjustment

in the tube and possible driving thus a higher probability of making an epic wave.

The waves are typically soooo clean that you can turn around and take off right in

the critical zone and start driving (esp. true at the break near Christies camp). Longer

guns usually need a bottom turn that would let the wave go twisting away without you.

With the take off out of the way you will only want smaller boards (would anyone tow-in

with bigger boards?).

With that said, if you are going to the Hinakos, there are some big wave spots similar

to Sunset Beach, but even on gigantic days (5xOH), (you have a boat, right?) you can find

obscure spots firing in the DOH range. I had the opportunity to go on an Indo tow-in

trip, so you may want to check into the possibilities if they have a ski and boards or not…

Lastly, you can see some pics on my website, just go to the Profiles page, then the

Mentawais 2005 section, been on couple trips since that, but it is a fair representation.

Have a great trip!!!



How about loosing the six four and replacing it with me!!!

good luck hope it works well for you .

consider ing the size of Indonesian feet


isnt necessary.

take an aadaptive spirit

and a board for the father, the son, and the holy ghost

and leave room in the bag for cool stuff for the kids

kids going, and coming back…

aloha from waipouli,


leave room for your good health.

return healthy.

thanks for the input, all… will post pics upon return.

Keith - Sorry to hear of you troubles. I dont’ kow what to say, but there is lot’s of good advice here. I particularly am in agreement with the toilet paper advice. Other than that, my own take is longer. I know people think I’m a kook, but I can usually “fit” my 8’er in most holes. I’ll let you know how the carbon goes.
