Hey Keith, sounds like a great trip coming up!!!
I’d have to say that shorter boards would be easiest, if you are going to hollow areas
like Mentawais.
Longer guns didn’t seem to fit the curvature as readily as the shorter ones. In the
instance of long, deep tube rides the longer boards’ fins are further back in the tube
and the foam ball will make the board spin out. Smaller boards allow for more adjustment
in the tube and possible driving thus a higher probability of making an epic wave.
The waves are typically soooo clean that you can turn around and take off right in
the critical zone and start driving (esp. true at the break near Christies camp). Longer
guns usually need a bottom turn that would let the wave go twisting away without you.
With the take off out of the way you will only want smaller boards (would anyone tow-in
with bigger boards?).
With that said, if you are going to the Hinakos, there are some big wave spots similar
to Sunset Beach, but even on gigantic days (5xOH), (you have a boat, right?) you can find
obscure spots firing in the DOH range. I had the opportunity to go on an Indo tow-in
trip, so you may want to check into the possibilities if they have a ski and boards or not…
Lastly, you can see some pics on my website, just go to the Profiles page, then the
Mentawais 2005 section, been on couple trips since that, but it is a fair representation.
Have a great trip!!!