A Real Double-Ender

Never surfed Himalayas, Lanis was always good enough and back in my time (late 70s), and it didn’t get too crowded. Back then only the serious watermen surfed Himalayas and Avalanche. Long paddle out and long swim if you get nailed. I never wore a leash in big waves, preferred swimming.
One of my childhood friends passed away, and the service was last weekend. Her little brother had a boat and used to surf the reef passes at Hickham Harbor. Only good when town is maxed out, but that’s when the outer reefs start pumping. 2013 was an epic year for the outer reefs at Shark Country, but it was even better in the regular break.

Bumped up, for Otivi.      Read from the beginning.

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I hope it’s not too old to post and bump this 

Tom Morey’s 1964 Australian Surf Shop creation.