I think they said she was in year 12 [final year of high school here], so probably 17 yo ?! [shades of Nicky Woods winning Bells, all those years ago]
Stephanie Gilmore has won the Roxy Pro at Snapper Rocks in nice [empty!!] waves , beating Layne Beachley !
…hooray !! You GO , girl !
Watching the footage , I could see how well the ol’ wafer thin thrusters were going in good dredging [empty!] tubes…
the girl rips , no doubt …
in fact , Tom Carroll was heard to say , " that’s future world champ material, right there !" …to which Martin Potter replied to the effect of , "what do you mean FUTURE…she’s just won [$20,000] right NOW !! "
I watched the event and her surfing was one step ahead Layne Beachley, 6-time world champ. One thing I noticed about a lot of the women is that they weren’t really reading the waves as well as Steph was. Steph would find barrels and would turn just at the right time. She flowed with the wave very well, far better than ANYONE else I saw.