A Tragic Death Inspires New Life...

This is a story about life, death, and creation.

It was a dark night in an Illumnated sea side parking lot… I was gliding on a hand made 3 ply birtch skatey (A product of Insnomnia and a creative burst.) I was carving up the asphault like no other before me. Insane powerslides, Berts, laid back tight turns, low to the ground, one hand sliding along the cement bank, searching for SOUL. I get up my speed, grab my board from benith me, Jump up, land, and SNAP! It was dead. No hospitial could help him…

What to do?

I greeved for a few days and today I had the strength to rebuild…

Bought a piece of Red Oak 1/2"x8"x32"

“You will be my new son.” I say…

I presented to him a template much like his older brother, but improved…

He accepted, and the planshape was finial…

After I cut off what was not him, I begain to foil the rails with my 2" hand plane.

I could have used a router, but where is the soul in that?

Now that he had 1/4 round rails, I begain to debate about the tail block.

What to choose?

Ahhhh. A hidden piece of Zebra wood. He is special enough for that.

More to add…


Nearly finished…

He just needs 8 holes and a pair of legs…

That will have to wait untill the morrow…

Hey, those are my sissors!

The cheesecake cutters ?


That would be them, yes.

If you fly to the states today and drop off at Keith melville’s house, you can grab a slice.



…Are those back trucks wider then the front ones? how do they go, i’m keen to whack together another skaty.


Nope, It’s just a weird angle.

But, I found that having such a wide nose area (8") and such a narrow Tail (5"), The board turned really sharp…Something to think about.

I’d love to find some old trucks like those.



thanks i found them in a tip.


‘’… i’m keen to whack together another skaty. ‘’


Me too !!

waiting in the wings …

…I like your tropical avatar shot Josh , by the way !

cheers !


by the way …happy birthday for tomorrow , Josh ! [maybe you can make yourself a new skatey for a present eh ?]

Cheers Ben! (hopefully the weather and surf will be good too)

gotta say I’m quite inspired by Rhino’s fishy template too. I made one around 20" which was too short quite some time ago. i reckon at around 38" it’d go insane.

i’m making another wood 9" fin too.

Go for it man!

I thought a skaty inspired by your new Sea Dart would be pretty groovy too.

I want to try and warp some rocker into my next one. I hear you just need to steam the stock, put a 2x4 under it, and then pile a few layers of bricks on top.



Will do.

maybe i’ll make a swallow tailed skaty sea dart. i’ll try putting some kick into it too.
