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So, instead of stating more info to back up the stuff you wrote earlier, you resort to name calling and insults? That usually indicates someone who either doesn’t know what they’re talking about, or at best is insecure about what they said. If anyone should be “embarrassed”, I think it is you

Now, let’s see if you can comprehend what I already said. Maybe if I repeat it enough, you will grasp it.

I never disputed whether the board was a Parrish, or if it was painted by RG. YOU repeated a false claim that the board was the only one ever painted by Rick. Which I know to be very untrue.
This is exactly what you wrote:

That is totally false, and anyone making that statement is clueless. If you want to keep pressing the issue, then tell me what kind of shape it was. You know…gun, longboard, egg, etc .  I have a story I can tell you, also.

Lastly… nowhere, in any way, shape, or form, did I claim to be an expert. However, I am quite certain that I know one hell of a lot more about Griffin and his work than you do. So stop trying to accuse me of something I never said.

Now go ahead and lash out at me again with name calling and insults. I am not insecure about what I wrote because I know it to be factual.


PS: You spilled something.

I have the program in my collectibles and i will dig it out.  You made the statement that there were three other boards but did not document those boards.  You are an internet phony.  You have NO k nowledge first hand.  Only what you read on the Web.  I'm not a member of the debate team and refuse to debate quote by quote a friggin' phony Idiot.

Hey, Sammy and McDing, did I mention that the soundtrack to Pacific Vibrations sounds great on those Tinny speakers that I originally got at BigBoxMart to play that Stones Album?

It sounds great, too! Something about those darn little things makes music from that era in particular sound so damn good.

You guys ought to come hang out, have a couple of Primos and Dos Equis and cool out for a while.

Hell, that board thing isn’t that important anyway. Griffin’s great… that’s what matters.

Beers chillin’


That last sentence could be construed as a personal attack. That type of behavior is not allowed here, and is unbecoming of an adult, anyway. You need to calm down before that blood vessel in your forehead bursts!!

You have not bothered to tell me what type of board the Parrish is. I asked a simple question and you avoid answering. Doesn’t say much for your credibility.

So, you called me a “phony”,  and claim I know nothing, first hand? Time to eat your words.

These photos were taken by me at the Laguna Art Museum in 2007. I flew 3000 miles to see the Rick Griffin exhibit that was running that Summer. There were three boards on display. The third was Rick’s personal Jacobs single fin. It was about 7’6, or so. I could not get a shot of that one because the museum had a “no pictures” policy and I had to sneak these two shots. The third airbrushed board I know of is another fun shape with an eyeball on it. It was featured in a magazine many years ago. The owner was asking $150,000 at the time. I don’t have a picture of it.


What I feel is important is when someone calls me a phony, basically acccuses me of lying, and resorts to personal insults when they cannot and will not bother to support their own claims. It is also irksome when they cannot rationally discuss a topic or comprehend the written word in a clear fashion.

Everything I’ve said in this thread is true. I have yet to see any evidence from McDing which shows he knows squat about Griffin or any boards Rick might have painted.

Here you go, McDing. Just in case you never read these, I have selected some pertinent parts of the forum rules for you to read and digest. You may want to reconsider your blatant name calling and false accusations in light of these points.

The rules of Swaylock’s Surfboard Design Forum are pretty simple.

No personal attacks.

Some things will make you unpopular:

Being a “know it all”


Substantiate your claims.
Think before you post.
Use your common sense.

You're kidding, right!   NObody drinks Primo.


You’re right, as I remember, Primo was really pretty awful (it’s been thirty-five years, but I can still remember that much about it). My memory does get more spotty as time goes, and stuff drifts in the hazyzone…happens more and more these days.

But I meant the other stuff, I just hated to see you guys get into it over that, whatever the facts of the board are. It’s clear you both know what you’re talking about, just one of those honest mistake things, I figure,  no need for it to go the way it went.

Swell’s up and pretty clean here in the NW, dang, I’ll miss it, but we are heading up to Bachelor, looks good today, fresh powder…I’m just getting good enough to understand why the good boarders and skiers go so crazy over it.

Take care.


Reiterating my statement that the owner's claim was that the Parrish was the only "known" ( I might add;  "comissioned" airbrushed surfboard by Rick Griffin around at that time.  There was a story about who it was shaped for and why Griffin did the airbrush.  It was suggested that he was not into airbrushing boards and he supposedly did it because he knew the person the board was shaped for.  I am merely repeating what was pronounced on stage at the auction as the board was introduced.  This would have been mid to late  1990's.  The bidding started at $10,000 and there was a silence accross the audience as no one bid on it..  As I recall the board was a "flaming eyeball" but can't swear to it as it was so long ago.  I never said there were not other examples of airbrushed surfboards done by Rick.  Ever since I posted up on that board you have done everything you possibly could to denigrate me short of calling me a liar.  Establishing yourself as a self proclaimed expert and defending the Griffin family from fraud.  Calling them by first name as though they were your personal friends etc.  Your on a damned email list.  Anybody that wants to can get email from the Griffin estate can get on that list..  It's bulk mail!  So tell me what's wrong with this picture?  You say there are three boards.   As you are the expert I deferr to your explanation.  In your pictures there is what looks to be a thrusteror quad/shortboard shape with the "Iron Fist".  Also you have picture of a  "flaming eyeball".  Can't tell from the pic what style of board it is.   In your explanation you say there is a Jacobs as well.  So counting the two you took pictures of and the Jacobs you didn't take a picture of;  That would be Three??   Yet you make mention of " another funshape with an eyeball on it."    So is that four???  I've seen a picture of the "Iron Fist" before. I've also seen the "flaming eyeball" in person.  As I stated above I never said (myself personally) that there was only one airbrushed surfboard by Rick Griffin.  That was merely the claim made at the auction by the owner of the Parrish.   Also;  It is not unusal for people to go to Art showings and gallery presentations who know nothing of what they look at.  You are a fan of Griffins' work, NOT AN EXPERT.  Griffins own family knew so little about how much of his work was out there that they put out a call several years back to collectors in an attempt to chronicle his work.  An out of print book resulted.  I got to look at that book one time for a few minutes.  It was not very comprehensive.  There are  a few original and alot of print runs.  Some of those runs are numbered.  I've got a friend who has two numbered "Dead" posters that he bought in Haight.  He bought them because they were "Dead" not because they were Griffins.  He really had no knowledge of who Griffin was.  I gave him a synopsis and enlightenment.   I'm certainly NO expert either.  But as I said; I know a Parrish when I see one and I know a Griffin when I see one.  I don't make false claims and only speak to what I know.  YOU though are internet educated and other than going to an art exhibit know nothing first hand about which I have spoken.  I don't bust blood vessles.  I laugh my @$$ of at fools like you.  I'll be giving Seymour a call this evening.  I bet he can clear up the details and time frame, story etc. on the Parrish.

Just talked to Allan Seymour.  The story I related to you is absolutly true.  There may be some question in our senile minds as to whether or not it was a Parrish.  Allan can't remember.  It was a "Flaming Eyeball".  Personally;  I think it is the board in your picture.  That is just an educated guess without looking at the board in person.  Parrish didn't always use a lam and it may have been a pencil only.  Allan said it was his first auction.  Haven't found my program yet, but I think that would have been around 1995. It was a Gala affair with the Penetrators providing music.  Several "Hooters" girls were there to bring us our drinks and entertain some of us "Old Guys" by dancing the Watusi with us.  I sat at a table with David. his son, wife and Israel P.  Had a drink with Dale V. and watched Wingnut act like he was Velzy's valet in the men's room. 

Yes. And my exact reply was as follows:

If there is a Parrish with an RG airbrush in existence, that makes four
boards I know of that Rick sprayed. I’ve seen two of them with my own
eyes and I do not think either of the ones I saw were shaped by Parrish.
But, hype like the claim you stated above is typical at certain
surfboard auctions.

I did not call you a “liar”.  I did not say that it wasn’t a Parrish or that RG did not paint it. I simply commented that there’s more than just one board with his artwork on it.

So, tell me how you arrived at this accusation, based on my initial statement about that board:



I have repeatedly stated that I do not claim to be an expert. I’m simply a guy who has collected stuff by Griffin for over 4 decades. In that time, I have met, conversed and hung out with many other collectors. Some of them are in possession of very large collections and knew Griffin, personally. Such as, the guy who wrote the first book about RG, Gordon McLelland.  Through my conversations and correspondence with these guys, I have learned much and expanded on what I already knew. As I said before, one old friend of mine owns the original painting for Pacific Vibrations, along with numerous other original works. He probably has the largest collection of surf related artwork in the world. He is someone I would call an “expert”

Wrong. The list I’m on has no connection to the estate. Getting on it is done by invitation or referrral from another member. It is mainly comprised of the top collectors of his art, along with some of his family members and other interested parties like Pezman, Drew Kampion, etc.


I’m pretty sure I already said it was a funshape.

True. You merely repeated the claim, and I stated that it sounded like auction hype since I knew there were more boards than just that one.


One more time…I never claimed to be an expert.  I simply stated a fact. That being there are at least 3 boards he airbrushed, and his own personal board which he painted.
As far as that exhibit I attended goes, I actually guided a few people through it and gave them a lot of background and history on many of the pieces. I di this because I have studied his stuff for years and years.

Wrong again. I’m getting tired of repeating this. I have been collecting his stuff for over 4 decades.  I know some of the people who possess large collections of original pieces by him. I knew plenty about RG long before I ever got an internet account.

At least you have backed off from the name calling and personal insults (mostly).
Still, you are dead wrong on so many points that it’s laughable.
You repeatedly accuse me of not knowing much or being “internet educated”. Both accusations are dead wrong and very misguided. I ask again…How big is your collection and when did you begin it?


I’ll just toss up a few pieces from my stash. Most of this stuff has been in my possession since the 60s and 70s. I was one of the few people who had internet access back then, of course.

In the last photo, one of the copies of Surfer Mag and the copy of Surfertoons have been in my possession since 1964. Yup, got them off the internet, way back then.

I started surfing in Pismo Beach in 1961.  I've had alot of Surf Mags. thru the years.  Still have a few.  Looking at pictures doesn't make me an expert at anything.

Again more quotes and debating.  I will pay you one compliment;  It is good to know that a collection such as yours is in the hands of someone who appreciates it.  Like Seymour told me one time; " Lowel, never buy anything that you wouldn't hang on your own wall."


I started surfing in 1963, in Rhode Island.

You keep harping on the this word “Expert”. I keep reminding you that I never claimed to be one. But, it’s a safe bet I know a hell of lot more about Griffin’s work than you do.


More stuff. All from my collection. None of it from the “internet”

Man !!! I didn't even know they had computers in 1964 let alone the internet !! Is that for real or U just pulling my leg. Not into collecting but I have a poster of 5 summer stories hangin on my wall. Got it when the movie came to Kauai and played at the Roxy in Kapaa. The Wong family ran the theater and I was friends with the Wong brothers on the last day of the show I asked them if I could have a poster and they said no cause they had to send them back with the movie or something . So when I left the theater I pried open one of the glass display frames and stole one of the small posters. Looking back I wish I would have taken one of the big posters! Now the Roxy is gone and old man Wong, but still see the Wong brothers from time to time ! I always thought that poster was way Kool !!

Something i will say again;  IMO  His best work had NOTHING to do with surfing.  And IMO his "surf art"  held him back in the greater world of art.  But That has nothing to do with being an expert and is only my opinion.  One thing I do know more about than you;  The Parrish with Griffin airbrush.

hey sammy you are not the only one to get your knowledge from the internet

i learnt to shape in 1958 from the internet acording to mr know all?   haaaaaa’‘’


**   cheers huie


That was what us Yankees call “sarcasm”, since McDing the Magnificent and All Knowing claims that everything I know came from the internet.


I have one of the large posters with the white background that I took off a phone pole when I saw the movie for the first time (see below). I also have the smaller handbill version, the black background handbill, and the Plus 4 handbill. I got the hand bills through trades with other collectors. Around 1992 I had a chance to buy the original paintings for Five Summer Stories and FSS +4 as a pair. I just didn’t have the cash at the time. About three years ago, I spoke with the guy who did buy them. He sold the pair for ten times what he paid.


Large, original 5SS poster + the only necktie I own, which is a Rick Griffin design.


Excuse me if I look unimpressed. I never disputed the authenticity of that Parrish, only the claim that was made about it. But, you can’t seem to grasp the distinction, apparently.

So, what you’re saying is that you’ve seen a grand total of one original Griffin work.

I have seen hundreds.

An old friend has a few dozen on the walls of his house.