AB3....Who's going this Saturday?

Great to see Tim and Ray again, as always. Spoke with Bob Mitzven and Tom for a good while…consumate craftsmen. All hand shaped, no ruffles. Beauty of a chambered cedar fish and drool worthy quads.

Nice to meet the Bass after all these years. Ryan was a treat to talk to. His boards even better in person. I wish I had had the time to try one out. He lent out his personal purple and black stub to someone else to try before he had ever gotten it wet.

It’s a shame the surf wasn’t a tad better but Tim, Ray and I got it early enough to snag a couple. Ray caught a couple of waves on my “Smoothie”. Not one starfish and he pulled a couple of nice railers too. I saw that smile after his first wave…the first one’s free!

Oh yeah, Ray’s board is magic…

Just for future reference - Would my 3+2 MvG’s count?


This is one of the boards i sent

6’2" x 21" x 2 3/4"

This post has been deleted by request of the person who wrote it.

He sent me a private meassage instead of posting on the AB3 thread to tell me how well it worked.

Keeping its perfomance secret and hiding the truth is why this design never went anwhere.

These politics stopping my growth are what may make me stop making boards.

I will continue for awhile but i am tired of fighting all the BS.

I saw TONS of people fondling and checkin’ out your boards, they looked killer!

Hi Greg,

Just wanted to add that I rode Bernie’s 6’2" at Ewa Beach last October and really enjoyed it. The board is surprisingly easy to paddle and gives the rider a complete sense of confidence. It’s the first board I’ve ridden that feels as though it’s actually a part me. Very easy to control and really freakin fun to ride. You definitely deserve huge amounts of recognition for these boards. Would love to ride one in some juicier surf.


Hey guys, super fun event. Much better than last years, better surf too.

I’m too lazy to grab the photos off 70 and Maggies site, but we’ve got quite a few here:

Drama with the Park Ranger


and here:

Event, Logo and Cops (ok, park ranger)


Hey Lee

I’m not sure if you meant Me of Scott Bass…LOL

But it was cool to meet You.

I wish I meet more folks from the Swaylockian camp.

All and All it was a ton of fun.

Look out for Longboarders that fade left and then go right at the last minute though…(Ouch)…



Who’s Scott Bass? Of course I meant you…I wish I could’a hung longer. It was nice to meet the man behind the words! Did you fly out just for the AB3 thing?

Hey Lee Thanks

Scott Bass works over Surfmag and is known to SUP at Cardiff a bit.

Well known on the other ‘board’.

I help orginize AB3 the past 2 years.

I really wanted to try one of the “sissy” eggs that Jay shapes.


For the record 2+1s are 2+1s (well at least to me) and not 3’s…:wink:

Somehow I missed you down there…did run into another “Bassy” though. Pretty entertaining guy!

There are photos and links to check out on the AB3 blog.

Who's Scott Bass? Of course I meant you...I wish I could'a hung longer. It was nice to meet the man behind the words! Did you fly out just for the AB3 thing?

Scott Bass also dreamed up and turned Sacred Craft into reality.