absolutely no drive on my single fin

hey mark i got this old twinny in the collection …

its up for a restore , it sounds like the board you described …

i just took some pics and measured it …

5’-4" x 21 3/4 …dates back to 70 /71 ,

someone had a go of fixing it , so now its going to take more effort to undo there work , but its definatly an interesting piece of history …

seems like after the longboard revival , were on the same path again , just 30 years later …

same stuff , different people …



im grinding off the fin and making it a quad as of next week.

chip, it wont work as a kneeboard as its only 4oz and glosscoat on the deck, my knees would go right through it.

single fin experiment didnt work so now its on to somethign else. i think next time i go single fin ill keep it 6’ and over.

Hello Bert,

Cool logo.

She looks due for an overhauling

but she’ll thank you in the end.

Here’s pics the Rick twin 6er I rode back then.

She’s still ready to go.

Those heavy glass jobs

and the heavy duty carcinogenic resin

may have yellowed a bit, but she’s tough as nails.

Thick as a brick too and that’s how she rode.




Why not go incrementally.

First add Thrusters.

Try that.

If you think the center fin is to much then grind it off.

Try that.

If you think a smaller center fin might help throw in a box.

Try that.

If you think quads will make it better add them.

Try that.

No need to rush. You’ll get a much better understanding.


First we fail.

cause thats just not my style.

Didn’t want to contradict old Blakstah, but just add two side fins, 7" long standard 5" base, leading edge 10" up from the tailblock, set dead straight, no cant.

All that toe-in and cant adds turning for sure, but kills off speed, drive, and glide after you turn.

All those bunker boards ridden at Hanalei in BIG surf (one, two, three, four fins) were set dead straight ahead, no toe-in.

You need toe-in if you suck at turning. Figure you turn that 4’10"er good enough, you just need it to project somewhere after you turn it!


i won’t hassle you or give you grief over the size of the board, i ride a lot of singles under 6ft and would love to try and ride something 4’10, but i emphasise TRY.

anyway, i know you may have made your decision, but i wanted to suggest installing a centre box so you could try a flex fin a bit further forward. if you don’t like it, it shouldn’t affect the board as a quad fin.

i have a 4’7 single fin board that a friend of mine had a go on one day and he was surfing 1-2 ft waves unbelievably. i’m a bit taller and heavier though and couldn’t get the thing moving.

If it’s short retro you’re after dig this.

A spot on original near mint unrestored or molested or ding repaired paipo twin fin with original wax.

49 1/2"L x 19 3/4"W: dig the bonzer shape twins.

Pictures below.

If it’s the recent future you are after check this out from 2002.

5’7" x 18 3/4" x 1 3/4" Loehr Design Double Ender epoxy with Grab Rails (a Loehr innovation) aka rail channels to some of you and four Cat Channels ™ on the bottom also a Loehr Design Innovation (LDI tm). That means there is a full length middle vee. MVGs on the nose were an original design feature not an after thought and factory installed by GL for Fakie trick riding. This board originally was ridden by Sam Barker and John “Air 360” Holeman. I’ve actually ridden it in 2’ mush mid winter 5/4 fullsuit. I weighed 200 lbs. Havn’t done the math, but my guess is the lift generated by the Cat Channels tm more than over powered my weight and the over rockered bottom. It’s a fun board, but takes different skills. I havn’t allowed anyone enough time on it to master it.

That’s 1 3/4" thick OD (not ID to the middle of the channels). EPS and Epoxy fiberglass composite 6.5 lbs with fins and traction. Full length down rails with medium to hard tucked chine full length. Kind of like Tom Curren’s Black Beauty.

I’d like to try it with a ski and straps. That could be fun.

TOTOH I don’t want to ruin it either. Because new Loehr Designs are very very exceedingly rare. Almost blank check rare. Oh well.

i would try either a larger fin, but most likely sidebiters will be the way to go.had a 7’ stubbie with that type of bottom and single fin.turned great but like yours, no drive.a larger fin worked better-a much larger fin. that bottom design was done with siderunners which helped chennel the water thru so i think that would be the way to go.

Hey gatordave,

4’10" x 17"n x 22" x 17"t x 14" pod

If you think you’re going to be able to drive a board with these specks with a single fin go ahead and try.

As far as I’m concerned it’s an exercize in futility.

Sorry buddy but if you want to ride a single fin board that’ll perform you’ll need to get something with a more realistic outline under you so the board’s rails can work in conjunction with the fin that there to create drive. Sorry to be the devil’s advocate but that’s the way I see things.

Mahalo, Rich