Abstract gloss coat

OK, I will, thnx

You may try cork too; it comes in rolls 1m width and different heights. 3mm is fine. Gives a natural appearance and you do not need wax anymore. It does take a little amount of water during surf, but this does not harm. If some lanolin (not much) is applied it sucks a little less. Best if epoxied onto the board under vaccuum, just spread epoxy on board (if more strength is wanted spread onto the to be glued side of the cork too. The epoxy sucks from the underside into the pores of the cork, if vaccuumed. If epoxy turns through the surface and seals the cork, just give it some sanding until the cork opens again, Edges and ozter parts may be sealed on purpose… 

But check for weight if you want it light.

Ah yes, cork. A lot of people talk about it. I decided to go the el cheapo route and try out some cork. I got a roll of 1/8 thick cork and glassed it down to my board. No cloth over top. It lasted two sessions then started to chip away. It was light and did work however. 

Whoa cork?! That’s pretty neat.  I’m fixing a delaminated long board for a buddy, we were gonna inlay fabric to hide the damage on the deck. But a cork inlay… pretty spiffy.  Where do you buy your cork at ?

I bought mine in Germany (Google: Kork-Mengler Iserlohn). You may look for original portuguese Amorim Cork; where Amorim is a company, the make rolls in different sizes and qualities. Finally the quality and the lamination (vaccuum) determins the longterm duration; really stressed areas like where the leash is bend over rail in case of whipe out, should be sealed with epoxy from outside too.

But even if abraised, it is easily repairable, add a new layer or fill with epoxy/shredded Cork paste…

Yeah let’s stay on topic.  Can’t wait to see what this looks like.


Yeah talked to bill , same process as glossing any board just don’t cross stroke and pay attention that whatever color you lay down will mix with the others, so you do a blue and yellow pour there will be some resulting green… so no point of pouring green, may end up with brown.  Need to test this out on some scraps first, I will report back