Accidently glassed over fin box screw holes...

Hi guys,

So i bought a 2nd hand board and it looks like the previous ding repair accidently (or lazily) glassed over the fin box screw holes where the fin box screws to hold the fin usually go.

Fin box is FCSII. 

I want to use the grub screws to hold my fins in place and am wondering if i could just drill these out? Or will I damage the integrity of the glass job around the hole? Also unsure whether it will be a futile exercise as I suspect resin will have seeped all the way into the threads and it will be nigh impossible to drill out all the resin for the screws to catch? Or possibly just end up stripping the threads of the screw hole if the drill bit is too big. 


Well, you gotta do something, and if it’s really screwed up you can always install new fcs plugs (hopefully it doesn’t get to that). I would suggest using a dremmel to clear out any glass/resin that might be on top of the screws and then carefully try to screw them out. 

This happened to me recently on a Futures box. I simply drilled out the hole with a bit that was way smaller than the hole. Then I increased the size until I could screw a grub screw into the hole without too much difficulty. I basically re-tapped the hole. Don’t force the screw too much; you might crack the box and that will require routing the broken box out and reinstalling a new box. I’ve had to to that, too. Good luck.

Run an undersized bit through it. 

Get a dentist pick.

Clean what you can. 

Run a tap. 

Good to go. 

I had to do this recently. You can drill a pilot hole in the middle (not touching the existing grooves), then tap the hole with a 10-24 tap. Doesn’t really matter if it aligns perfectly with the original hole perfectly. Just go slow and don’t force it.

Try a reverse drill bit.  It might just back the resin out of the hole.