"ACE" is done

Hi Guys -

This is Rob, survivor of the cliffs close call and usually not on the kook end of this sort of thing. That's the first collision I've had in 14 winters on that board. I can't really defend my attempt at evasive maneuvers. The truth is I absolutely positively knew the other guy was going to either run over me or get thrown into me, so I bailed. Something I almost never do, but in that particular instance I think it was the right call and may have saved some fingers or my head.

I wanted to give a big shout-out to Ace and the guys at Coconut Peet’s for the new board and repairs to the original, respectively. Ace did a magnificent job on the new gun and tolerated my ignorant but impassioned requests for some color and graphics. And the original board is back to 100% water-worthy with the damage repaired and the larger issue of delamination solved. I am one satisfied customer.

I will let everyone know how the new Ace compares to the old Ace as soon as a swell worthy of either board finds its way to San Diego.

Best regards to all –

-       Rob

P.S. Swaylocks is a great resource and I’m very happy to have recently learned about it.