Ace spackle FYI

Ace hardware brand lightweight spackle is now grey shit like DAP. I guess red devil is the only option now.

Sherwin Williams?

I was opening a tub of it at my local Ace a couple weeks ago to check the color and the lady working there got snippy with me. She didn’t believe me that they are making it grey now.

Yes sherwin Williams is still very white

yeah i took my old batch in with the new batch and got a refund.

resin+q-cell+aerosil+white pigment
Say Abra Ka Dabra…tap the cottage cheese cup
blow twice on the mixing stuck
you dont haveta make two trips to the hard to live with clerks at the
helpful hardware store… resin research dries to sand in an hour and bonds with itself
just swell… …ambrose…
aunt Viola always made good
pumpkin peanut butter chocolate chip cookies
jus saying her name makes me salivate…
I wish I had the recipie memorized like
my spakkle recipie oh yeah ,add more powder to the resin than
you ever expected and achieve that same lightweight consistancy
and apply with a bug soft yellow squeegee and then use th back edge
to get off the excess

Wise words ambrose! Does it require a lot of resin for say a shortboard or fish?

3 oz whole bottom styro foam
resin research is runny at 70 degrees
in my exprtience
you can mix a whole lotta q=cell
and areosil onto it…

And while you’re sealing with it, separate some of the runny mix and set all your pre-glass embeds at the same time.

Do the epoxy+cab sealed board take pigment and tints well?

no. the down side to epoxy sealling.

all the best

do a double seal with epoxy slurry with a light sand bettwen both layers and a good final one and you can finish the blank for perfect tint. All is in the mix, you want it to look the spackle mayonnaise…

yoghurt aint bad
I used cottage cheese
with success
and a couple times
mixed it on the board
w/ the squeegee
cottage cheese
becomes sour cream
and then pancake mix
is real thick and light…
nothing like cooking up
a good glass job.
I’m so glad I’m
not lactose intolerant.
some day we will break through
to make surfcraft from all coconut based
derivatives, you know,
what the
dinosaurs ate
before they became
petroleum .