Add F and PE Resin for Wax?

I have no idea what I’m doing with PE resin.  I’m an epoxy guy.

I am doing some minor ding repairs for a friend.   I have some laminating resin from the local fiberglass and chemical supply house.  Can I use Additive F as the wax component so I can sand the fill/finish coat?  Is there some readily available alternative?  It’s an 1.5 hour trip to the nearest supply house, and not sure they will even have what I need.

All the best

Hello; waxed paper.


-boat resin does not good for lamination. Lamination resin should have UV rays blocker.


Test it, but probably incompatible.   Wax solution used as a surfacing agent for Poly is Styrene and wax.  You can make it by shaving and dissolving Parafin Wax in Styrene.  I’m reasonably sure that Add F is Xyline and wax.  Probably not compatible with Poly.  Hell it might blow up like Mr. White in Breaking Bad when he threw some explosive chemical in the meth dealers lap.

Well, just for a minute I thought I might mix and see what happens.  But McDing has cured me of that.

Thanks, Reverb.  I forgot about wax paper.  Got a roll in the shop.  

All the best, boys

i bet it work, i used styrP in lieu of addF in epoxy resin finish and it work, i heared that wax in acetone work. all wax diluted in solvant could work just need to have time to rise the surface and evaporated, let paraffine protected surface of air inhibition contact. Don’t over catalyse your resin to let solvant evaporate, xylen take more time than styrene.

I think xylene will work to thin poly, so I can’t see why it wouldn’t work to make a wax solution to make hot coats. Much like styrene, it is a solvent. Also, like stryrene, it’s nasty stuff.

Yes it is. 

all the best

Ok surf this I’ll experiment. 

mall the best

Here’s what’s funny with the opinions stated;  I never said with 100% certainty that Xylene was the base for Additive F.

When I ran out of surfacing agent, I tried to find a place to buy styrene, and it’s easier for me to buy surfacing agent than it would be to make it, just cause I couldn’t find styrene.

True.  You usually can’t walk into an Ace Hardware and find Styrene or Xylene.   But sometimes you can.  It’s available from suppliers like Rev-Chem, but not the average surfboard materials supply shop.

You can walk into Lowe’s and buy 1.0 gal of xylene for $21.

Check Additive F MSDS.  It has an 85% xylene base.

On a volume basis, the amount of xylene added to resin when using Add F is relatively small.

That says it.