Adding foam

Hi everyone,

So I ran into a bit of a problem on board number 6.

 i made a quad step deck which i really enjoy. I does what i was hoping it would, having some added volume under the chest while keeping the rails thin and it is fast.

But, when taking off backside my back foot tends to go past the step when the face is steep.

The step is obviously not rightly placed

So on the following board i didnt make a step on the tail and progressively blended the extra thickness .

But regarding the one pictured here, has anyone ever had to fix something like that ?

Merci !


Cut a piece of foam for the space you want to level out/extent - glue it down and glass it on. 



Deck grip made out of Cork. More slices at the back to level it out 

Back in the day we would extend the extra thickness with a taper

not a true step.  Your step will create a natural break line in the board.

I would get rid of the step all together.  Do a taper forward to keep the volume.

You won’t loose much.  Then get a tail pad to help locate your back foot.  My 2c…

Glass the bottom as-is but taper the deck cut line from a ‘zipper’ along the bottom edge in the tail to a standard overlap in the nose.  Grind away all the foam in the tail - right down to the bottom glass.  I would extend the scoop forward and eliminate the step and than glass the deck.  Taper the bottom overlap in a manner similar to the deck. 

Now fill in the scopped out tail with EVA foam - as many layers as it takes to fill in the volume.  Grind all the EVA layers as smooth as possible before ‘capping’ with a final layer of EVA foam.  

There are also places that sell sheet rubber with peel and stick like what they use as deck padding on prone paddleboards… It’s not EVA foam but it could serve the same purpose and the stuff I last used stuck to itself pretty good.

You will now have an awesome flex board and the hippie chicks will dig you.