Question 1: Is Additive F compatible with Kinetix Epoxy Resin, or is it only formulated to go with Resin Research epoxy?
Question 2: Does George Orbellian publish updated editions of the "Essential Surfing" design book? The last one I had was a 3rd edition in 1987. A current edition, if it exists, would be somewhere near the top of my wish list. I live in remote and rural New Zealand which doesnt necessarily exclude me from the internet , but I cant find any reference on Google to any edition of this book after the 1987 edition.
Question 3: Does anyone know if the 2 x "Essential Surfing" editions in 1984 and 1987 had updated board specs from the 1st edition in 1982, or was it just a reprinting of the same?
Question 4
Check photo 23 of 31 (Connor Coffin)
Can anyone tell me if this board is the "Fred Rubble" model?
Despite the limied angle of view, this board looks like a perfect example of a totally current shortboard x stepdown cross and is exactly what Im trying to shape. Does Travis Lee do Conner's boards?