Additive F Wax Precipitations

I keep getting small clumps of wax as I mix up hotcoats. Anyone else experience this? And more importantly how do i keep it from doing this?

My procedure. Glass at night after kids are asleep. Warm resin 10-12 seconds. Add hardener and Additive F. Mix gently. Get wax clumps.


Do you do any research?

Do you read the archives?

this question has been asked a number of times before.

when the Add.F gets too cold, solids fall out of solution. just give your entire can of Add.F a good shake, a hot water bath, and another good shake prior to use, and those solids will dissolve back into solution.

funky, funky, fresh…

~ brandon.

Yes, I’ve had the same problem several times.

I keep forgetting to shake up the Additive F before adding it to my resin. No big deal so far… the globs seem to blend well with all the dust and dirt :slight_smile:

(happy face)

My poly brain says never shake up resin or you will have problems…My Epoxy brain thinks different…

Yes, always do research. Always search archives. Always read your posts. Guess i tried putting too much information in the search rather than just additive f. I have since gone back and reread them.

Will try shaking and prewarming additive f first. I was just curious since i am taking additive f without any visisble precipitates, adding it to a pre-warmed mixture and it falls out of solution. I am sure that i have had it more than 70 deg sometimes and had the same things happen.
