Adjusting rocker of 10'2 US Blank

I was initially going to order a custom blank and have the rocker adjusted to fit what I’m trying to do.  My favorite board, a 10’ Vardeman pintail, which has 3.75" nose and tail rocker.  There is no kick or flip, it is very even and identical at both ends.  I measured every 6" to center and it is exactly the same.  This board works great in 1’, and it also works extremely in well in overhead surf…I have never ridden another board that I enjoyed so much.  All this to say, I came across a 10’2 US Blank for 1/3 the price on craigslist and picked it up. I want to get as close to the rocker numbers at nose and tail, but I’m trying to wrap my head around how to best achieve it.  

Is there a way to calculate what the actual rocker numbers would be if I were to cut off from one end or the other?  Also, is there a technical term for the continous type of rocker I’m describing, and is it common at all with certain shapes or shapers?  Thanks for any insights.

With this blank, to achieve something close to your Vardeman start at the nose by eliminating two inches from the blank at the tip.  This will pull the overall rocker back and achieve your 10’0 length.  The term is “continuous rocker” .  There is no formula to get you where you want to be.  It is very difficult to shape less rocker from center point when you are shaping a blank with established rocker at the front and rear third.   You’re close at the tail.  If the blank was longer you could pull it back more. 

Your Vardeman exhibited the classic ‘‘natural rocker’’ of the balsa era.     The natural curve of balsa timber, that results from the drying process.     Don’t be stuck on exactly 10 feet in length.     You could slip down to 9 foot 10 inches, in order to get the rocker to match.    That small reduction in length, is not that significant.  

Thats what you think she thinks…